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Organization charts Formal structures organization structure formal links various parts of org system of tasks reporting relationships and communication linkages org chart diagram of structure w in org describes division of labor people groups performing diff jobs division of work individual responsibilities supervisory relationships who reports to who in chain of command communication channels formal communication flows major subunits work units teams divisions levels of mgmt number of layers Informal Structures shadow org network of unofficial relationships social network analysis identifies informal structures embedded social relationships redesigns formal str identify leader roles Structure Organization Organizing arranges people resources to work towards a common goal Organizing to create structures divide up work arrange resources coordinate activities Management Process Leading to inspire effort Planning to set direction Controlling to ensure results Departmentalization arranging people by tasks into functional divisional matrix team and network structures S t r u c t u r e i s e v e r y w h e r e Functional Structures group people with similar skills and tasks Advantages economies of scale make efficient use of human resources functional experts are good at solving technical problems training w in functions promotes skill development career paths are available w in each function Disadvantage chimneys silos too little communication across functions too many problems referred upward for solution President VP Marketing VP Finance VP VP Production Human Res Matrix Structures combine functional divisional Divisional Structures group people by products customers or locations Customer Structures best serve special needs of different groups Advantages expertise focused on special products customers or regions better coordination across functions w in division better accountability for product or service easier to grow shrink as needed Geographical Structures focus attn on unique tastes or requirements of particular regions Product Structures identify common pt of mgrl responsibility respond quickly to changing demands Matrix Structures combine functional divisional Advantages performance accountability rest w program product or project managers teams solve problems at their levels top managers spend more time on strategy permanent cross functional teams support specific products projects programs members report to 2 bosses function and team no chimney thinking Disadvantages power struggles costly time consuming Network Structures use IT for strategic alliances outsourcing with outside suppliers service contractors Advantages lower costs fewer full timers expertise through specialized alliance partners contractors easy to grow shrink w market conditions small central core surrounding networks grow shrink as needed virtual org use info technologies to operate as a shifting network of alliances Team Structures permanent temporary cross functional team improve lateral relations Advantages team assignments improve communication cooperation decision making team members know others as more than job titles team memberships boost morale increase enthusiasm task involvement Organization Charts staff reporting supports line important support roles do not directly bring in rev line reporting direct core business functions Division of Work Chain of Command Span of Control Communication Flow Staff vs Line Levels of Mgmt Orgs are becoming flatter w fewer levels of mgmt more levels narrower span of control fewer levels wider span of control Tall anti innovat ion Span of Control how many people report to you Flat innovative entrepreneurial Orgs are increasing decentralization centralization top mgmt has decision power decentralization top mgmt allows lower levels to help make decisions Orgs are increasing delegation empowerment delegation process of entrusting work to others foundation for decentralization 1 2 3 assign responsibility grant authority create accountability Leadership Right Experiences Right Training Right Attitude Leadership process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks or when 1 individual influences a group to reach positive important big goals Leadership to inspire effort communicate vision build enthusiasm motivate commitment hard work Management Process Organizing to create structures Planning to set direction Controlling to ensure results Manager Leader Administers Innovates Structure People Maintains Develops Control Trust Short Range Long Range How When What Why Maintains Status Quo Challenge Status Quo Does Things Right Does the Right Thing E x e c u t i o n S t r a t e g y Leaders use power to achieve influence Managerial Power Position Power Personal Power Sources of Power Violence Wealth Knowledge Position Power Personal Power Legitimate formal authority Reward offers something of value Coercion punishment Expert special knowledge Referent personal identification Visionary Leader someone who thinks where to go next inspires people to want to get there structures how to get there Jack Welch Visions Should be 1 2 3 simple repeated over over rally people Gardner s Leader 1 Traits Physical Vitality E Intelligence Accept Responsibility Task Competence Understand Others People Skill Achievement Need Motivate Others Courage Decisive Assertive Trustworthy Self Confidence Flexible Leadership Competencies Center for Creative Leadership Leading Self Leading Others Leading Org Big 4 Trait 1 2 Behavior 3 Contingency 4 Transformational 2 Behaviors l e p o e P r o f n r e c n o C Human Relations people tasks ex Film Industry Democratic people tasks ex Tide Pods Laissez Faire people tasks ex Autocratic people tasks ex Telemarketer Agency Concern for Task 3 Contingency Fiedler Contingency Task Motivated Low LPC Relationship Motivated High LPC LPC Situational Variables Leader to Member Relationship Task Structure Position Power Telling Selling Participating Delegating Dow Chemical New Recruit 1 2 Years 1st Assignment Starting Role Supervision Seasoned Mgr PSU Students Fresh Soph Intro Class Smeal Major Classes Graduate School PhD t r o p p u S i r o v a h e B p h s n o i i t l a e R d e r i u q e R Hersey Blanchard Situational Leader Style Follower Readiness Participating Share Ideas Selling Explain Decisions Able Unwilling Low Confidence Unable Willing Confident Delegating Turnover Decisions Telling Give Instruction Able Willing Confident Unable Unwilling Low

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PSU MGMT 301 - Structure (Organization)

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

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Exam #1

Exam #1

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

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