Key Topics from Chapter 4 Knowledge and Involvement BUSML 4201 Exam 2 Review What is involvement Refers to consumers perceptions of importance or personal relevance for an object event or activity Extent to which the consumer has a personal relationship with a product or brand Know the levels of consumer knowledge Formed when people acquire separate meaning concepts and combine them into larger more abstract categories of knowledge Product Class Broadest level of product knowledge may include many product forms with many brands and models within them Ex Coffee Cars Soft Drinks Product Form Includes several brands that are similar in some important way often related by physical characteristics Ex Whole Ground Instant Ground Coffee Diet Soft Drinks Sports Sedans Brand marketers intend to make consumers aware of a specific brand of some product and the differences that the brand offers Folgers BMW Coca Cola Model Features a model is a specific example within a brand that has one or more unique attributes Dark Roast Coffee BMW 325 Hybrid Caffeine free Coca Cola Know the types of consumer knowledge Knowledge About the Attributes Characteristics of the Product Concrete attributes represent tangible physical characteristics of a product Abstract attributes represent more subjective intangible characteristics such as style or social perception Positive Negative Benefits Using Products Benefits are desirable consequences consumers seek when buying and using products and brands What are functional and psychosocial consequences Functional Consequences tangible outcomes of using a product that consumers experience directly Psychosocial Consequences refer to the psychological and social outcomes of product use Internal personal outcomes out comes such as how does the product make you feel What are instrumental and terminal values Instrumental Values preferred modes of conduct Ways of behaving that have positive value for a person Terminal Values Preferred states of being or broad psychological states What is a self schema An associative network of interrelated knowledge about oneself What is the means end chain and what elements are included in this model Topics from Chapter 5 Perception and Attention Means End Chain links consumer knowledge about product attributes with their knowledge about consequences and values Attributes Functional Consequences Psychosocial Consequences Values How is focal attention characterized Def a controlled conscious level that uses activated memory from long term memory Is conscious aware controlled process uses some cognitive capacity more likely for infrequent unusual concepts with high importance and high involvement What is the interpretation process Overall evaluations are when knowledge meaning and beliefs about an attitude concept are integrated together Purpose is to figure out if something is favorable or not When consumers determine the meanings of important aspects of the environment as well as their own behaviors and internal affective states 1 Interpretation involves interactions between knowledge in memory and info from environment the incoming info activates relevant knowledge in memory can be either schema or script knowledge structure 2 Activated knowledge influences which info consumers attend and hwo they comprehend its meaning 3 Cognitive systems have limited capacity Consumer s can only comprehend small amounts of info at a time 4 Much attention and comprehension processing occurs quickly and automatically with no conscious awareness What are the factors influencing consumer s attention Affective States amount of affective arousal within the consumer at the time of exposure to marketing stimuli Involvement motivational state that guides the selection of stimuli for focal attention and comprehension Environmental Prominence the stimuli that is the most prominent in the environment is most likely to attract attention How are exposure attention and perception related i e what comes first Exposure process by which a consumer comes in physical contact with a stimulus Attention process by which a person allocates part of their mental capacity to a stimulus Perception activity by which incoming stimuli activate our five senses What is exposure What influences it Process by which a consumer comes in physical contact with a stimulus The exposure environment placing the consumer in a time crunch or the content or format of the marketing information influences it What is the Gestalt principle Describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups Key Topics from Chapter 5 Categorization and Comprehension What is comprehension Refers to the interpretation processes by which consumers understand or make sense of their own behaviors and relevant aspects of their environment Why do we categorize We categorize as consumers to help keep information separate in our minds and keep our thoughts and perceptions organized Categorizing information helps us learn Taxonomic categories Group similar objects in the same category with similar features or attributes Lots of sharing within categories little sharing across categories Superordinate Basic Subordinate levels of categorization Superordinate provide only very abstract information most general form in taxonomy Basic objects at this level are the most culturally salient and have the most basic cognitive functions At this level differences between entities are perceived Subordinate Low degree of generality low degree of class inclusion Goal derived categories Grouping of products necessary in order to achieve a certain goal Graded structure Prototypes Certain products in a category represent that category better than others Prototype Prototypes are most easily recalled Standard of comprehension for category Miscomprehension Occurs when consumers inaccurately receive the meaning contained in a message Greater when involvement and knowledge are low What are inferences Interpretations that produce knowledge or beliefs that go beyond the information given Inferences alone can make advertising be considered deceptive Communicate cognitive meaning and affective meanings What is a metaphor Measured by ZMET How do marketers assess the impact of metaphors on consumers Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique ZMET Key Topics from Chapter 6 Attitudes and Attitude Change What is a salient belief The beliefs used to create a person s attitude toward a product that stem from associative network of linked meanings
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