Chapter 14 Teams and Teamwork Pit stop in real time attitudes chemistry match try every possible way Team collective of people who regularly interact to pursue common goals Teamwork is the process of people actively working together to accomplish common goals Synergy when the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts 1 higher quality decision 2 greater bind Teams at PSU Clubs group project academic etc Benefits of Teams more resource more creativity by innovation improve quality of decision making greater commitment increase motivation better control work discipline more satisfaction better synergy buy in people will support them to come up with enjoyment fun Common team problems cultural miscommunication personality conflict conflict on roles work style power struggle participation free driver lack of focus group think solve low quality poor follow through definition of quality work load imbalance personal vs professional Social loafing tendency of some people to avoid responsibility by free riding in groups Solution reward individuals make assignments interesting keep size small encourage peer pressure to perform Organizations are teams of interlocking networks 1 Supervisor directs 2 Facilitator coordinates 3 Participant works ex Google company manager look like part of being and engaging at the same time 4 Coach assists self coach Team types 1 Committee small group of on going project designated to work on a special task on a continuing basis led by head or chairperson and accountable for the task agenda deal with diversity quality and compensation 2 Cross functional team get many people from different team ex CISCO operates with members who come from different functional units of an organization expected to help knock down the functional chimneys or walls work more productively reach out new challenge understanding leverage style integrity 3 Project team task force is convened for a specific purpose and disbands after completing its tasks temporary defines theme 4 Self managing teams 5 Virtual team distributed team work together and solve problems through computer based interactions social loafing occurs unclear goals too frequent meeting requests less relationship bad emotion communication resource new idea real time experience globally save time and cost relationship speed up process Employee involvement teams meets on a regular basis to help achieve continuous improvement Quality circle team of employees who meet periodically to discuss ways of improving work quality Organizations are networks of formal teams and informal groups Formal team officially recognized and supported for the specific organizational purpose departments work units teams divisions It is headed by supervisors mangers etc interlocking networks of teams mangers play linkin pin role Linking pin they both serve as head of one work team and as a regular member in next higher level one Informal group is unofficial and emerges from relationships and shared interests among members Natural or spontaneous relationships offer members opportunities for social satisfaction and contacts for work done Interest groups members pursue a common cause Friendship groups develop for a wide variety of personal reasons hobbies and other nonwork interests Support group in which members basically help one another out in work and personal affairs Self managing teams are a form of job enrichment for groups Self managing team have the authority to make decisions about how they share and complete their work called autonomous work groups better performance decreased costs and higher morale responsibilities of self managing team planning and scheduling work training members distributing tasks meeting performance goal high quality What are the building blocks of successful teamwork Effective team achieves high levels of task performance membership satisfaction and future viability the right players in the right seats on the same bus headed in the same direction Team effectiveness equation Team effectiveness Quality of Inputs process gains process losses Team effective task performance member satisfaction team viability Inputs Members Nature of task abilities clarity values complexity personalities diversity Org setting Team size resources number of members technology even odd number structure rewards information Throughputs Team process Outputs Team effectiveness Team process norms cohesion roles communication decisions conflict task performance member satisfaction team viability Lencioni 5 dysfunctions 1 Absence of trust 2 Far of conflict 3 Lack of commitment 4 Accountability unwillingness Inattention to results 5 Input 1 Membership composition Teams need the right members for the tasks to be accomplished ability values personalities personalities diversity Team diversity is the mix of skills experiences backgrounds and personalities of team members PAT test based on motivation competition learning style Homogeneous teams have members with similar personal characteristics Easy control may underperform Heterogeneous teams have members with diverse personal characteristics Hard to mange High creativity membership composition diversity of skills experiences backgrounds personalities 3 Cs character competence skills consistency among 21 cs 2 Nature of task Clarity to guide complexity to challenge clear and defined versus opened and complex ex Lunar Lion team Singapore dragon boats strong inputs creating synergy 3 organizational setting resources technology structure rewards information and physical space How well organization supports the team in terms of listed above 4 Team size number of members even odd number Interaction increase when member increases 5 to 7 is most suitable voting odd number Majority vote odd consensus even Amazon team size 2 pizza 4 to 7 people free rider or little resource Throughputs Team process is the way team members work together to accomplish tasks Norms cohesion roles communication decision making conflict Group dynamics process aspects of any team knowing members in different ways of approach Team IQ is the ability of a team to perform well by using talent and emotional intelligence Outputs Team effectiveness quality of inputs through put process gain process loss Task performance member satisfaction team viability 5 Stages for team development 1 Forming Image set up Uninformed optimism people begin to identify with other members and with the team itself establishing interpersonal
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