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BUSML 4201 Consumer Behavior Dr Blair Kidwell Exam 2 Review Sheet What How to Study Focus most on in order 1 Things we spent a lot of time on in class and or on group or individual assignments 2 Things in the notes 3 Things in the readings We know elaboration enhances memory Think about the concepts how do they relate to each other can you think of real world examples etc Key Topics from Chapter 4 Knowledge and Involvement What is involvement Know the levels of consumer knowledge Know the types of consumer knowledge What are functional and psychosocial consequences What are instrumental and terminal values What is a self schema What is the means end chain and what elements are included in this model Key Topics from Chapter 5 Perception and Attention How is focal attention characterized What is the interpretation process What are the factors influencing consumer s attention Know the 5 senses and ways to increase their effectiveness How are exposure attention and perception related i e what comes first What is exposure What influences it What is the Gestalt principle Key Topics from Chapter 5 Categorization and Comprehension What is comprehension Why do we categorize Taxonomic categories Superordinate Basic Subordinate levels of categorization Goal derived categories Graded structure Prototypes Miscomprehension What are inferences What is a metaphor How do marketers assess the impact of metaphors on consumers Key Topics from Chapter 6 Attitudes and Attitude Change What is a salient belief What is the ELM What makes a message more persuasive under the central vs peripheral route What makes a source more persuasive under the central vs peripheral route What are the definition and characteristics of attitudes What is the multiattribute attitude model How do you determine what someone s attitude is in the multiattribute attitude model What is TORA What are subjective norms How can marketers change attitudes using the multiattribute attitude model and TORA What is Cognitive dissonance When why attitudes don t always predict behavior Key Topics from Chapter 7 Decision Making Know the 5 steps in the decision making process Know the different types of goal conflict What is an evoked set and a consideration set What factors increase cognitive dissonance and how can marketers reduce it

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