Some terms for the WOH 1023 Final Dr Spivey Florida State University Created by Chase Santiago Factors leading to the Enlightenment universities printing press Renaissance Exploration etc Scientific Method a set of techniques for investigating science phenomena acquiring knowledge and correcting or integrating previous knowledge The purpose is to determine whether observations line up with the hypothesis Social contract John Locke argued the social contract between ruler and ruled should last only as long as it served the people well It was a contract between government and its people Ruler and the ruled Vesalius father of anatomy made detailed drawings of human body based of dissection Copernicus a Polish astronomer that said the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun The moon revolves around Earth At the middle of all things lies the sun Burned alive by the Catholic Church Galileo an Italian inventor developed an improved telescope with which he observed sunspots across the face of the sun Discovered the moons of Jupiter His insights brought the ideas that the universe in infinite Descartes Emphasized the importance of mathematics and logical deduction in understanding the physical world invented analytical geometry Robert Boyle an Anglo Irish philosopher and chemist founder of modern chemistry best known for Boyle s Law which describes the inverse proportional relationship between absolute pressure and gas if temperature if kept constant in a closed system Isaac Newton synthesized earlier findings around the concept of universal gravitation invented calculus formulated concept of inertia and laws of motion Voltaire a French writer that reflected the outlook of the Scientific Revolution as he sarcastically commented on religious intolerance He said we are just ants on a little ball in space He was a deist believes in an abstract remote deity Madame de Pompadour member of the French court cheated on her husband with Louis XV Patron of architecture decorative arts such as porcelain Enlightenment and astronomic philosophies Voltaire Benjamin Franklin one of the Founding Fathers of the U S he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment Inventor of the lightning rod bifocals and the Franklin stove Captain Cook aka James Cook a part of the British navy created detailed maps of Newfoundland and then made 3 voyages in the Pacific Ocean achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands first recored circumnavigation of New Zealand Denis Diderot French philosopher art critic and writer co founder and chief editor to the French Encyclopedia Examined philosophical ideas dealing about free will John Locke English philosopher that offered principles for constructing a constitutional government a contact between rulers and the ruled that was created by human ingenuity rather than divinely prescribed Against religious intolerance Democratic Revolutions French vs English conflict in its various forms from the 7 Years War through Napoleon 1754 1763 9 years was the period of the 7 Years War AKA The French and Indian War Britain and France fought against each other in battle while occupying North America the Caribbean West Africa and South Asia Expenses prompted the British to levy taxes on the colonies causing uproar and launching the American Revolution Both land and Sea battles were fought All indigenous people fought alongside French forces except Iroquois Catawba and Cherokee tribes Causes of American Revolution British taxed colonists to provide for the 7 Years War Revolution grew out of sudden and unexpected effort by the British government to tighten its control over the colonies and to extract more revenue from them Colonists pondered about popular sovereignty natural rights consent of the governed due to the unexpected taxes and tariffs put upon the colonists Proclamation Act of 1763 was established to organize Britain s new North American empire and stabilize its relationship with the natives This was done by trade and land purchases Colonists became upset because it had forbidden them to settle in the Ohio River Valley where there was fertile soil Colonists who already bought land west of the Appalachians were not allowed to move here The law was ignored by the colonists Intolerable Acts enacted after the Boston Tea Party punished Massachusetts colonists for their defiance The acts took away self government rights which triggered an outrage in all the colonies Thomas Paine English and American political activist and revolutionary He inspired rebels to declare independence from Great Britain corsetmaker by trade a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination Thomas Jefferson an American revolutionary leader who wrote the Declaration of Independence U S ambassador to France and supported France during the initiation of their revolution 3rd president of the United States Abigail Adams wife of John Adams founding father in revolutionary war gave John Adams advice in letters on what to do dealing with politics and government first Second Lady of U S and second First Lady of U S Olympe de Gouges French playwright and journalist appropriated the language in the Declaration of Rights to insist that woman is born free and lives equal to man in her rights Advocate for protecting slaves demanded that French women should receive the same rights as French men executed by guillotine during the Reign of Terror Sojourner Truth African American abolitionist and women s rights activist born into slavery recovered her son after she won a court case against a white man She was the first black woman to win a case against a white person helped recruit black troops for the Union Army during the Civil War Participation in Democratic Revolutions by women and African Americans Haitian Revolution Haiti had a slave labor force of 500 000 and produced 40 of the world s sugar and 50 of coffee at the time Revolts started once rumors were released that the King of France ended slavery White people and mix raced people were murdered One thousand plantations were burned Impact of American Revolution on women and African Americans American Revolution established the fact that all men should be viewed as equal beings It is said in the Declaration of Independence that all men are born free and equal so in that case African Americans gained a sense of freedom from these national statements towards the British For women Abigail
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