You Should Be Able To 1 Describe the components of the integumentary system a Made up of 2 parts i Cutaneous membrane 1 Outer epidermis 2 Inner dermis ii Accessory structures b What are the accessory structures i Hair ii Nails iii Multicellular exocrine glands c What are their functions system a Cardiovascular system i By blood vessels in the dermis b Nervous system 2 Explain how the integumentary system is linked to the cardiovascular and nervous i By sensory receptors that detect stimuli for pain touch and temperature 3 Describe the main functions of the cutaneous membrane a Protection of underlying tissues and organs b Excretion of salts water and organic wastes glands c Maintenance of body temperature d Production of melanin keratin vitamin D3 and storage of lipids e Detection of touch pressure pain and temperature 4 Describe the major layers of the skin a Thin Skin b Thick Skin i Covers Most of body ii Has 4 layers of keratinocytes i Covers the palms of the hands and soles of feet ii Has 5 layers of keratinocytes c The five strata of keratinocytes in thick skin lowest to highest i Stratum Basale 1 Attached to basement membrane by hemidesmosomes 2 Forms strong bond between epidermis and dermis 3 Forms epidermal ridges a Basis of fingerprints 4 Dermal papillae 5 Many basal cells 6 Specialized cells a Merkel cells respond to touch b Melanocytes contain melanin ii Stratum Spinosum 1 Produced by division of stratum basale 2 8 10 layers of keratinocytes bound by desmosomes 3 Cells shrink until cytoskeletons stick out spiny 4 Continue to divide increasing thickness 5 Contain dendritic cells immune response iii Stratum granulosum 1 Stops dividing starts producing a Keratin b Keratihyalin i More keratin is less permeable 2 Cells of stratum granulosum create tightly interlocked layer of keratin surrounded by keratohyalin a Dehydrates the cell 1 Found only in thick skin 2 Cells are flat and densely packed with keratin and devoid of iv Stratum lucidum organelles v Stratum corneum 1 Exposed surface of skin 2 Water resistant not proof 3 Shed and replaced every 2 weeks 4 All exposed skin surfaces undergo cornification d What are the characteristics of each layer What are the components of each layer How are the layers different from each other e How are fingerprints formed Why are they important i Fingertips shrink when they wrinkle in water an effect caused by the constriction of underlying blood vessels Due to nervous system reaction 5 Explain the difference between insensible and sensible perspiration 1 This gives you a better grip i Interstitial fluid lost by evaporation through stratum corneum a Insensible b Sensible a Carotene i Water excreted by sweat glands 6 Explain how carotene and melanin affect skin color i Orange yellow pigment ii Accumulates in epidermal cells and fatty tissues of dermis iii Can be converted to vitamin A 1 Used for maintenance of epithelia and photoreceptor function a Lack of vitamin A causes night blindness b Melanin i Yellow brown or black pigment ii Produced by melanocytes in stratum basale 1 Synthesis of melanin requires amino acid tyrosine iii Stored in transport vesicles melanosomes iv Transferred to keratinocytes v Note 1 Albino people do have melanocytes a But they do not produce melanin c What are the differences between these two pigments d What kind of effect does UV light have on skin i Causes DNA mutations and burns that lead to cancer and wrinkles ii Melanosomes of keratinocytes concentrate around the cell nucleus to protect DNA 7 Explain how different conditions can affect skin color a Cyanosis b Jaundice i Bluish skin tint ii Severe reduction in blood flow or oxygenation i Build up of bile produced by liver 1 Yellow color c Pituitary tumor i Excess MSH production ii Extremely bronze tan d Addison s disease i Disease of pituitary releases more ACTH ii Bronze e Vitiligo i Loss of color due to loss of melanocytes 1 Probably autoimmune reaction by antibodies 8 Explain how vitamin D3 is produced and the importance of this vitamin a Epidermal cells produce cholecalciferol vitamin D3 in the presence of UV radiation b Liver and kidneys convert vitamin D3 into calcitriol i Aids in absorption of calcium and phosphorus c Insufficient vitamin D3 i Can cause rickets bending of bones 9 Describe the different components of the dermis a Outer papillary layer i Consists of areolar tissue ii Contains smaller capillaries lymphatics and sensory neurons iii Has dermal papillae projecting between epidermal ridges b Deep reticular layer i Consists of dense irregular connective tissue ii Contains larger blood vessels lymphatic vessels and nerve fibers iii Contains collagen and elastic fibers iv Contains connective tissue proper c What are the functions of the collagen and elastic fibers i Collagen ii Elastic 1 Very strong resist stretching but bend easily 2 Provide flexibility 1 Permit stretching and then recoil to original length 2 Limit flexibility of collagen fibers to prevent damage to tissue d How are cleavage lines related to these fibers and why are they important i Formed from collagen and elastic fibers in the dermis ii Arranged in parallel bundles iii Resist force in a specific direction iv Establish important patterns 1 A parallel cut remains shut heals well 2 A cut across pulls open and scars 10 Describe the different conditions that can affect the skin a Sagging and wrinkles i Reduced elasticity b Stretch marks i Thickened tissue c Decubitis ulcers i bedsores 11 Explain the location and function of the hypodermis a Under the dermis b Stabilizes skin c Allows separate movement d Made of elastic areolar and adipose tissues i Distribution determined by hormones Few capillaries no vital organs e Connected to reticular layer by connective tissue fibers f g Site of injections using hypodermic needles h Is it part of the integumentary system i No 12 Describe the different types of hairs a Vellus hairs i Soft fine ii Cover body surface b Terminal hairs i Heavy pigmented ii Head eyebrows eyelashes 13 Describe the different types of sweat glands a Apocrine glands i Armpits around nipples and groin ii Secrete products into hair follicles iii Produce sticky cloudy secretions iv Break down of secretion by bacteria causes odors v Surrounded by myoepithelial cells 1 Squeeze apocrine gland secretions onto skin surface 2 In response to hormonal or nervous signal b Merocrine eccrine glands i Watery secretions ii On body surface especially palms and soles iii Coiled
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