1 Lysistrata a Aristrophanes 411 BCE b Old Greek Comedy c Lysistrata Releaser of war 2 How does Releaser of war connect to its historical moment a Peloponnesian War 431 404 BCE Massive war of entire ancient Greece Athens vs Sparta and their allies Sparta has stronger army and Athens has more money and navy Prettye venly matched Fighting over 1 Lands and cities 2 Type of government 3 Shipping rights 4 Healthcare b 411 BCE Peloponnesian War Athens is in political turmoil Democracy completely overthrown Eventually Sparta crushes Athens c Old Greek Comedy Aristophanes Exuberant form of theatre full of satires of public figures and events Song dance buffoonery and physical comedy Outspoken political criticism Introduced Agon debate 1 What issues are at stake 2 How do we see the play address each side facet of the 3 Why might this play have been effective or ineffective debate at Athens d Plot Focus on the common people Theatrical conventions 1 Male actors 2 Masks a Sex scenes would be men 3 Men would have had giant penises 4 2 greek choruses men and old women e Lysistrata Project June 2002 Kathryn Blume Sharron Bower and Lisa Dollar Call to women to stand up against war and violence March 3rd 2003 Weapons of mass destruction Responding to questions if war was the answer 1000 readings world wide 300 000 audience members 125 000 raised raised awareness Theatrical act of dissent World wide moment of theatrical dissent 3 How is it still relevant today
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