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1 TWhat is a dramaturg a Webster Person who is skilled in the writing or revision of plays also a functionary of certain European theatres who is responsible especially for selecting and arranging the repertoire and often cooperates with and advices the producer I the course of rehersal b Part of the artistic staff and under the artistic director 2 What does a dramaturg do a Biggest task Ask questions i Most important question Why this play now b 4 major components to job i Research and production work ii New play development 1 Knows stuff during rehearsal or goes and knows stuff 2 Works with everyone 3 Learns the time period historic characters researches playwrights original production specific language and terms 4 Looking at a play and then researching about the entire play like history social structure environment 1 Dramaturgs offer support feedback to playwright 2 Play reader report 3 Organize new readings staged readings of plays so playwright can hear them 4 Often in theatre offices are the first group of people who read al of the new plays that get sent in and decde what plays would fit the theatre best iii Outreach and education 1 Lobby Displays Engage as many sense as possible 2 Program notes Read program notes from director and dramaturg to acclimate to what happens on stage 3 Study guide and discussion questions 4 Online materials 5 The play Ruined Talks about story with women from Congo to get information about stories dramaturg put photos of women she spoke to and their stories underneath in the lobby 6 The play Assassins professor created a lobby display about the real life assassin but put pictures of the actors who played the assassins to match the actor to the role 7 The play Spring Awakening Talked about teen sexual desire and lack of sex ed Focused in on sex ed in 19th century Germany and what it is like today and kids created a pamphlets about sex ed in the old days and modern day iv Artistic planning 1 Expected to stay current on important issues in the community and world 2 Stay current on new writers and creators 3 Season selection Think about theatre needs to match mission statement They should think about hwo to entice new members to be a part of the audience a Think about what production team can look like b Do they have an actor that can do the role do they have a director who can do it can they make the set c Make sure to balance out expensive productions with smaller cheaper productions 3 Why is a dramturg important a Remember the play exists b Ask questions i Encourage everyone else to ask questions ii What are we doing iii Why are we doing it iv How does it connect to the audience v Why does it matter c Why this play now for this audience If you can figure this out then youre a good dramaturg i ii

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