AMH 2020 0001 page 1 February 24 2015 Vocabulary Zimmerman Telegram American Expeditionary Force 14 Points o People didn t want to do because it meant involvement in Europe US tipped power of involvement so much that there was no negotiations Handed Germany a treaty and say sign here League of Nations o Kind of like a United Nation o Could commit US troops in times of war Bypassed Congress and Presidency Treaty of Versailles Czar Nicholas o Treaty that Wilson wanted to end WW1 o Terrible leader o Lost war to Japan o Last of the blood line o Not particularly bright has been attempted to be overthrown o Has family problems that spread into government o Son has Hemophilia no clotting elements in blood Czar becomes obsessed with curing his son Brings crazy people into the government to help his son and the country AMH 2020 0001 page 2 Rasputin was one such crazy who was eventually assassinated o WW1 is a tragedy for Russia no food for people in country Even less food for soldiers Soldiers began killing commanders Would drop them head first down a well o Names himself commander of the army Takes him away from the capital and isolates him Can no longer fire people for losing battles War goes even worse for Russia once he takes power o Small group of armed men take over his train as he is going back to the capital Gives up his position as Czar Ed Kerensky o Establishes new government based on a ton of reforms but only lasts 6 months o Was under pressure from King of England and Wilson to stay in war because Russians were good at dying Lenin o Wants to lead Germany into Communism o Arrested by German secret police and thrown in jail o Wanted government to release him to go over throw Kerensky government and o Is placed in sealed freight car and sent to other country and from there goes to takes Russia out of war Russia AMH 2020 0001 page 3 o Organizes Kerensky overthrow and with only a handful of men overthrows Kerensky Communist government becomes reality Germany doesn t have Russian front any more so all of Germany can now focus on France front o US France England Japan and Italy invade Russia to overthrow Communists Red Russians o Communist Russians White Russians o People opposing communists o Represent every possible political group you can imagine People who want the Czar back in power People who want Kerensky back Only unifier that they oppose communism o Very successful but the train Czar has been held prisoner since he was told to relinquish his position on Can t figure out what to do with his family Holding in a small isolated town It was decided to kill them all to kill the royal line o They came and knocked on door in an early morning to get their picture taken o Family gets dressed up and are led to a garage AMH 2020 0001 page 4 o There was no camera o They all posed and were killed by two guys who came in with a submachine gun Nurse doctor Czar and son are killed instantly 4 daughters and wife remain upright o They have secretly sewn the royal jewels into their corsets o Rudimentary bullet proof vest o After the Czar is dead those supporters go off and don t fight for the over throw of Communist Russia anymore o White army loses strength and the war ends o Wilson says Russia is no longer in war lets pull out Germany and England say no we need to deal with communism now Wilson says I don t want to do that and get out 1921 last of foreign troops leave Russia Edith Galt Wilson o Pretty much becomes president after husband fell ill o People would come ask her to get the President s feelings towards the matter but she would give her idea normally o Stumbled upon cabinet meeting with VP and threw them out o Pretty much the President after Woodrow had his stroke President Wilson and his treaty of Versailles Gets on presidential train and makes a speech asking people to pass the treaty Gets to Pueblo Colorado and finds himself confused AMH 2020 0001 page 5 o Goes on to Nebraska but collapses from massive stroke o Tells wife not to let them betray the treaty o Woodrow Wilson was more dead than alive o Wheelchair bond or bed ridden for the rest of his term 2 years Edith Galt Wilson Was asked to change a few words in the treaty to get it to pass o Refused to change the wording of the treaty so the treaty fails o US doesn t join the League of Nations Germany and Russia not included either o US never approves treaty Signs armistice with Germany saying war was over Wilson s desire for world peace shattered Leads us into WW2 Russia 4 time zones in continental US Russia has 12 time zones The Czar is the ruler of all the Russia s o Lots of places without commonalities o Belief in the Czar and the desire to be protected was what unified Russia 15 million soldiers in Russia o 4 million soldiers in Germany Only 2 million were on Russian front Russia had very limited guns o Russia loses 2 million and is the second longest instigator in the war AMH 2020 0001 page 6 o Germany loses 1 8 million and is in the war the longest Marx and Communist Manifesto Thought that workers would rise up to support it in industrial nations Wilson and 1920 election Wanted to run again for presidency to prove his point
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