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Test is based off lecture notes AND textbook readings TA said to study vocab words at the end of each chapter Chapter 1 3 4 11 12 sometimes you might think that you got robbed last year when it was actually thre e years ago this is a memory mistake in order to avoid this we do bounding we ask since the last time we called you about this survey have you been robbed instead of asking have you beeen robbed last year cause your memory will be better for the first question than the last one sweet that makes more sense thank you also when bounding we throw out the information from the firs t survey cause we cant ask since the last time we asked you since its our first time asking them if that makes sense does anyone know if we need to know the different criminologists and their theories from chapter 1 maybe can someone write notes for this No we don t need to know this He said during one of his lectures that we don t need to worry about specific people for this exam how about percentages I think it might be better for you to remember the percentages approximately thanks Good luck Concepts Terms Politicization Science is used to advance political claims racism sexism etc like doctors scientists contribute to environmental laws ALL political groups attempt to claim the legitimacy of science Establishing facts is the key to winning debate The definition of criminology MAKING law BREAKING law and REACTION to breaking law a scientific endeavor to explain crime 1 mala in se Criminology only deals with breaking law wrong in themselves by morals like killing and rape wrong by prohibition by law like drugs and prostitution mala prohibita Correlation and causation 3 wrong with you guys Correlation there is a relationship between the variables poorer countries dick size It is insufficient to establish causality what is Causation they are correlated but one doesn t cause the other Just because its related doesn t mean it causes one another having an umbrella doesn t mean its going to rain To show causation there must be Theoretical Rationale reason to believe x causes y 1 2 3 1 correlation 2 temporal ordering cause happens before the effect 3 lack of spuriousness Spuriousness Ideology o The Idea that there is another variable interfering with the model of the independent variable causing the dePendent variable You want to get rid of spuriousness Two events or variables havE no direct causal connection yet it may be wrongly inferred that they do due to either coiNcidence or the presence of a certain third unseen factor A Set of beliefs or values that ALL of us develop usually unconsciously about the way that the world is or ought to be range of ideology conservative right punitive and repressive death penalty liberal left forgiving and rehabilitative humane prison conditions Conflict and consensus theory Consensus Emile Durkheim change must be done through consensus and understanding People think its normal to follow laws and if you break the law you are still helping define the norms of society by reaffirming that law breaking is bad You are reaffirming the public s belief that what you re doing is wrong 1 2 1 2 3 Morality makes laws it s a consensus Conflict Karl Marx change can only be brought thru conflict struggle Laws are made by those with power to oppress others without power the powerful makes laws in order to maintain power Eventually people will realize this and overthrow the government We try to estimate the total crime rate but some crimes go unreported due to shame fear and embarrassment those unreported crimes are called the dark figures of crimes a problem with analysis by inferring group level data and saying it applies to individuals because the data collected is only valid for the 3 3 The dark figure of crime Ecological fallacy group o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o If you re collecting data at a regional level and say that 82 of assaults are by males we can t say that 82 of males in Maryland are criminals Index crimes UCR 3 3 o o Bounding o Ex someone from another state might have come to visit maryland and committed that crime Violent murder aggravated assault robbery rape Property burglary Motor Vehicle Theft larceny arson Method used to address memory decay Under Inclusion Downward Bias and telescoping Over Inclusion Upward bias Is criminology a science Yes and no Yes Criminology used the scientific method which has THEORIES why something happens that can be tested uses METHODS how we determine why something happens measurements from crime ranging from quantitative to qualitative NO Lacks predictive power credibility There s no fixed definition of crime The more serious of the index crimes is the one that is recorded For example if someone commits rape and murder they are charged Hierarchy rule weakness of UCR with both but the record only consists of the higher crime Series victimization weakness of NCVS series victimizations rule underestimates crime Analogous to the UCR hierarchy rule Series victimization This is an undercount of crime If a person is consistently beaten off on numerous occasions and they cannot distinguish the incidents then it is logged as one incident Series victimizations are incidents that are similar in type but occur with such frequency that a victim is unable to recall or describe each event in detail Quantitative and qualitative data Cross sectional and longitudinal data Cross sectional Taking data from a single point in time most criminologists use this method because it s easier and cheaper Longitudinal Data taken from multiple points in time Snapshot Movie film Macro and micro level of measurement Macro groups societal Gangs neighborhoods states nations attempts to explain crime rates Micro individual like biological factors or psychological mind seeks to understand why crime happens Items Uniform Crime Reports strengths weaknesses Strengths best measure of crime Mostly Consistent definition of crime across jurisdiction 1 1 1 Trend data Weaknesses National Figures Can be broken down these are raw accounts and represent a census doesn t capture unreported crime crime funnel Subject to political manipulation uniform crimes Hierarchy rule only the worst crime is reported in the FBI reports Despite best efforts differences remain in the definitions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Measure of police activity rather than crime police can create more crime unnecessary stops etc African Americans Ecological Fallacy the ones arrested doesn t

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