Human Resource Management chapter 10 What are the purpose and legal context of human resource management Human resource management attracts develops and maintains a talented workforce Human resource management HRM process of building and maintaining a high quality workforce SHRM society for human resource management 2 an asset to develop Looking for 1 cost to reduce 1 Attracting a quality workforce focus on employee recruitment and selection 2 Developing a quality workforce focus on employee orientation training and development and performance 3 Keeping maintaining quality workforce focus career development work life balance compensations and benefits retention and turnover and labor management relations Human resource mgmt attract talented employees develop talented employee keep talented employee Strategic human resource management aligns human capital with org Human capital is the economic value asset of people with job relevant abilities knowledge ideas energies and commitment Strategic human resource management mobilizes human capital to implement organizational strategies Human capital economic value of people with job relevant abilities knowledge ideas energies and commitments Strategic human resource management mobilizes human capital to implement organizational strategies What are the essential human resource management practices Employee value proposition aligns people and organizations Employee value proposition EVP is the exchange of value between what the individual and the employer offer in the employment relationship come together with balance is the key issue for an employee value proposition Person job fit is the match of individual skills interests and personal characteristics with the jobs Person organization fit is the match of individual values attitudes and behavior with the org culture 1 Attracting Talent Ex J J assess talent need and define job requirement 1 Assess needs and define job How companies recruit 35 external 65 internal Recruitment is a set of activities designed to attract a qualified pool of job applicants advertising screening Realistic job previews provide job candidates with all pertinent information about a job and org Almost 50 of new hires end up not being sure they made the right choice unrealistic expectations 2 Recruiting strategy and implementation 3 Candidate selection offer process Selection makes decisions to hire qualified job applicants Selection is choosing whom to hire from a pool of qualified job applicants exercise in Job and organizational fit screening cultural fit organizational fit prediction 1 in depth interviewing Screening 2 technical personal testing 3 real time or simulation actual 4 background check drug testing 5 assessments centers team work interviewing 2 Developing Reliability means that a selection device gives consistent results over repeated measures Validity scores on a selection device have demonstrated links with future job performance 1 orientation socialization coming on board 2 training experiences desire Orientation introduce of company how we get paid etc On boarding Socializing engaging cultural fit right experiences is needed many company does 2 year rotation program American Society for Training development ASTD 2010 state of industry report US training spending 171 5 billion average employee 1228 00 average hour 32 hours 4 full days 3 coaching mentoring 6 Information tech 7 customer service 8 orientation 9 interpersonal skill 10 sales Top ten training subjects 1 Managerial 2 industry specific 3 business practices 4 compliance 5 other product quality Coaching working with a manager to develop personal and business competencies in a holistic manner Mentoring assigns early career employee to a senior manager for career guidance Reverse mentoring younger new employees mentor senior executives often on tech they are both informal and formal Performance Appraisal Two Fold purpose 4 performance management 1 measures and documents work performance 2 used a developmental tool to enhance work performance Feedback balanced specific explain why it is Performance review or appraisal process of formally evaluating performance and providing feedback Graphic rating scale uses a checklist of traits or characteristics to evaluate performance Behaviorally anchored rating scale BARS uses specific descriptions of actual behaviors to rate various levels of performance diagram critical incident technique keeps a log of someone s effective and ineffective job behaviors can be positive or negative keeps records of one s behavior 360 feedback includes superiors subordinates peers and even customers in the appraisal process militiaperson comparison compares one person s performance with that of others rank ordering from top to bottom in order of performance achievement paired comparisons first evaluate each person against every other and then create a summary raking based on score forced distribution places each person into a frequency distribution with fixed performance classifications Assessment center examines how job candidates handle simulated work situations Work sampling evaluates applicants as they perform actual work tasks 3 Keeping vench marketing health care aging work force measure performance only few understand company s system 1 compensation benefits in line with market Compensation plans influence employee recruitment and retention Merit pay awards pay increases in proportion to performance contributions Bonus pay plans provide one time payments based on performance accomplishment Profit sharing distributes to employees a proportion of net profits earned by the Gain sharing allows employees to share in cost savings or productivity gains realized Stock options give the right to purchase shares at a foxed price in the future 2 clear career path identified Career path provide structure flexibility and direction for a person to achieve greater work responsibility organization by their efforts 3 work life balance focus Career development managing how a person progress in a career Career planning matching individual career goals capabilities to opportunity Work life balance involves balancing career demands with personal and family needs individual greater job satisfaction employer less intention to leave Organizations are using more independent contractors and part time workers Independent contractors are hired on temporary contracts and are not part of the organization s permanent workforce Contingency
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