AMH 2020 0001 page 1 February 26 2015 Election of 1920 Woodrow Wilson was a fluke o Republican party split o Both party runners were former Presidents Republicans know they are going to retake the white house Had a ton of really good qualified people running for president At Convention the vote was widely split o No one will compromise and run as vice president o Convention dead locks Harding Warren G Harding o Has no moral boundaries o Wins election easily o Leaders get together in the Smoke filled room and elect to nominate William G o 1st thing that happens is that he and his wife go to small town to watch results of election baby Leave HQ to go home but he wants to make a stop Harding goes to mistress house to spend time with her and the illegitimate o 2nd thing he rents a house in Georgia to gamble drink and entertain women o 3rd thing is installing buttons in white House so that Secret Service could tell president to stop having sex with women in office when his wife was coming AMH 2020 0001 page 2 o Appoints corrupt politicians o Election financed by big companies o His administration was one of the most corrupt in our nation s history o Goes on Presidential road trip to get away from things that go bad in Washington Takes the heat off of the problems in Washington Every President since Harding has done a road trip Harding takes a train across the nation to meet with leaders to talk about Checks into Sheridan Hotel in San Francisco and stops breathing all of a problems in the nation Harding is 1st president to go to Alaska sudden Wife refuses to allow autopsy Theories o 1 Natural cuases o 2 Mrs Harding killed him because she saw the scandals breaking around him and wanted to spare him from the slander it would bring o 3 Mrs Harding Killed him because she was Tired of him sleeping with other women Coolidge comes to Presidency when Harding dies Harry Dougherty named attorney General o His job to enforce laws of land o He sells pardons to people AMH 2020 0001 page 3 o Leads to a lot of mysterious deaths Whole criminal Justice system becomes corrupt under harding Charles Forbes o Veterans Administration is largest agency Still caring for veterans from Civil war to WW1 o Becomes administrator of VA o Responsible for declaring surplus property Declares property surplus before it is even used to sell for personal profit o Goes to prison Teapot Dome o The result of culture of corruption in Harding administration o Secretary of navy Purchased oil land in Wyoming o Interior department was headed by Albert Fall Fall wants to lease the oil land Leases land to lumber companies who pay a fee and replant trees Cattle owners feed cattle on range and pay fee and later grass grows back Leases the land in return for 100s of thousands of dollars in bribes Harding knew what was going on and looked the other way Sinclair Oil o Coming back in West with the Dinosaur sign Dinosaur for coal and oil Original gas stations were in shape of dinosaur AMH 2020 0001 page 4 o Sinclair and Doheeni give the bribes to Albert Fall Gave corrupt money to University of South Carolina Doheeni murdered son to get away with corrupt money Both can afford lawyers and found not guilty o Albert Fall found guilty and sentenced to jail because he couldn t afford lawyer Prohibition comes up in 1920s 1 Anti liquor bias in industry People drink on the job taking shots of whiskey every now and again to get through the day People aren t in good condition Some people fall into vats of steel and waste steel because the Have to stop everything and fish body out of steel vat loss of body has ruined it productivity Anti liquor bias focused on immigrants 2 War is still going on Wilson pounds that they are fighting war for democracy to make America People think that getting rid of liquor would make America a better place a better place as well 3 Appeal to patriotism Germans Liquor was made by German immigrants and America was fighting AMH 2020 0001 page 5 Rejecting liquor was showing that they don t like German made things 4 Petitions were signed by women left behind and men didn t get a say because they were at war Passes government o Telling Americans not to drink Made Americans drink more and create more organized crime Medical Alcohol established Made drinking exciting Had to find secret location of speakeasy Had to know the password and how to get in Corrupts our society Police are paid to look the other way to allow alcohol into the U S Tripled the salary of Police hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and lived on star island o Lasts for a dozen years repealed in 1933 Scopes monkey trial o Evolution vs Bible o Descendent from apes or monkeys so that s why it s called the monkey trail o After turn of century before WW1 people tried to outlaw teaching of evolution Tennessee becomes one of the states to pass this legislation o Dayton Tennessee John Scopes goes ahead and teaches evolution Teach only bible Is put in jail AMH 2020 0001 page 6 Leads to trial of the century Tennessee hires William Jennings Bryan to represent them o First trail ever broadcasted overturns on some technicality o Scopes is eventually convicted and made to pay small fine that Supreme court Government killed the KKK after Civil War and it stayed dead for 30 years o William Simmons brings back KKK as hate and social group o Doesn t bring back violence o Membership increased unbelievably o Nearly 4 million members by 1924 o Have conventions in Washington and march down Pennsylvania avenue from capital to white house Do not wear their hoods in Washington D C because of anti mask law Anti mask law is aimed at Klan to prevent wearing of Klan law but applies to everyone except on Halloween o Becomes a political force in America Takes over Indiana and Oregon governments o Hit by a couple of huge scandals Reporter from Chicago is supposed to do interview of Simmons Writes about him spending night in whore house with his whore mistress Scandal in Indiana Head of the Klan is most powerful in Indiana AMH 2020 0001 page 7 o Put Klans men everywhere in politics in Indiana Head of Klan falls in love with a teacher who works for state education department o She doesn t want anything to do with him o Drugs her and kidnaps her takes her on a train to Ohio o She dies from the drugs that he gives her o Indicted for murder but not worried about being found guilty because all of his buddies are there He is convicted and sentenced to prison o In his anger he releases
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