Nutrient Timing 19 Breakfast o Not eating associated w type 11 diabetes o Skipping breakfast bad for CV health o Eaters are less likely to be fat Nutrient Timing o Strategic approach that seeks to identify What kinds of foods drinks supplements should I consume When should I consume them Peri exercise feeding window pre during post o Goals of NT Maximize training adaptations Maintain healthy immune function Promote recovery Improve body comp o Pre Exericise Caffiene one of very first pre exercise ergogenic aids Increased maximal anaerobic power Enhances upper body strength in women Enhance performance via effect on the central nervous system Enhance FFA utilization Increase tolerance Amino acids Hyperaminoacidemia at rest can inc synthesis of muscle protein Uni of Texas study o Consuming a EAA sucrose cocktail BEFORE training can promote muscle protein gain Timing Protein intake increases energy expenditure 24hrs post resistance training At 24 hrs post response to PRO was significantly greater compared to CHO No diff found btwn COH and COH PRO treatments o Shows that the mechanism for why improvement in performance is not well known o EAA Carbs DURING training Muscle fiber inc most w CHO EAA Enhances muscle anabolism more than independent consumption Sports drink w 5 10g whey o Post Exercise 3rd nutrient timing window Old man study liquid meal either after or before training After was always better across all categories Milk vs CHO electrolyte drink CHO better than no calories Milk tended to inc body weight and fat free mass Ingested CHO improved net leg protein balance after resistance exercise but it was minor effect Whey Amino acids carbs vs Carbs alone Whey amino acids cards creatine beats sugar o Pre Post timing vs Morning Evening timing Pre post was better Overall inc LBM inc 1 RM inc type 2 muscle fibers inc muscle glycogen conc inc muscle creatine conc o Most important meal of the day 1st Nutrient Timing window 2nd breakfast o 100 calories will help o Casein is better at night than pre work out o Night Time Casein sustained amino acid levels all night Whole body protein synthesis inc Net protein balance inc Mixed muscle protein synthesis rates inc o After an endurance workout Consume 500 cal Consume normal meal an hour afterwards 2 4x as much carbs as protein add dome healthy fat about 6g o After resistance training Consume 500 cal More PRO than CHO Add some healthy fat 6g Consume normal meal an hour after Ergogenic Aids Supplement Market o Some are contaminated by unlisted ingredients ephedrine o Most popular is protein shakes multi vit Amino acids o Fortified foods are considered supplements o US Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act Allows manufactoreers to make claims as long as they do not claim to aid any disease NCAA Bylaw o Institution may provide only nonmuscle building nutritional supplements to a student athlete w the purpose of providing extra calories and electrolytes and does not contain any banned substances o Permissible nonmuscle building nutritional supplements COH electrolyte drinks Energy bars COH boosters Minerals and vitamins NCAA banned drug classes o Stimulants amphetamine caffience ephedrine cocaine o Anabolic agents o Diuretics o Peptide hormones WADA code prohibited list o Anabolic agents o Hormones and related substances o Diuretics and other masking agents WADA prohibited in competition o Stimulants o Narcotics o Cannabinoids o Glucocorticosteroids Steroids o Anabolic o Androgenic o Anabolic steroids Promotion of muscular growth and development Masculinizing changes to the body body hair body size genital changes Synthetic analogs that mimic the effects of testosterone Maximize anabolic effect minimize androgenic effect Dual action of testosterone Diffuse directly through cell membrane and bind to natural T receptors inside the cell Hormone receptor complex enters nucleus and bind to DNA to stimulate mRNA synthesis and protein production anabolic T competitively inhibits the actions of cortisol anti catabolic Influence on certain genes Protein synthesis growth of muscle mass and strength inc BMD and maturation Activation of the androgen receptor is more potent than T Anabolic Effect o Directly or as DHT via the 5alpha reductase enzyme DHT o Via competition for receptors that bind cortisol Extradiol necessary for both bone maturation and brain development o Conversion of T to estradiol and the subsequent activation of E2 receptors o AAS and Performance Athlete vs Research Use Avg male produces 30 50 mg of T per week 300mg wk of injectable T beneficially changes body comp and strength o Inc LBM decrease FM in young and aged o Testing Urinary testosterone epitestosterone ratio Normal 1 3 1 Failed 6 1 o Steroid Abuse side effects Virilization of females menstrual irregularities Liver damage testicular atrophy dec sperm count Etc Athlete Injury Inc BP Rapid muscle growth but tendons and ligaments may not have enough time to keep pace risk of ruptured connective tissue o Androstenedione 100mg day has no significant effects No gains in strength or changes in lean body mass w training and supplementation compared to training alone Significant amounts of ingested andro are aromatized into estrogen primarily estradiol Blood Doping o Remove blood and store it o Infusion of RBCs to inc hemoglobin conc and oxygen carrying capacity of blood o Effective in improving VO2 max and endurance performance o Can be fatal due to inc of viscosity and health problems that follow suit blood pressure stroke o Inc hemoglobin conc and hematocrit Caffeine o most widely used drug in world o does not cause dehydration o active component is methylxanthine o enhances performance via CNS inc Resting energy expenditure enhances fat mobilization inc lipolysis helps w high intensity exercise o Inc energy expenditure Controversy inc in fat use and dec CHO use Effect greater in young people and trained people o Possible M O A Adenosine inhibition Adenosine inhibition inhibits NE release CNS stimulation Inc excitability of nervous system Dec pain with muscle contraction PDE phosphodiesterase inhibition PDE inhibits intracellular signaling Caffeine can prolong the action of cAMP o Effects become less apparent w a high COH diet Creatine o Natural produced in liver and kidney o 95 stored in skeletal muscle o 2 5lbs of raw meat one 5g serving o Dec dependence on glycolysis dec lactate delay onset of fatigue imp muscle performance o Significant inc for 30sec for Bicycle ergometery
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