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Nutrition and Sports EXAM III REVIEW 1 Describe the average fluid distribution functions of water relative tissue content and daily water balance both under normal and exercise conditions a Fluid distribution i 40L 60 of total body weight 1 40 is Intracellular Fluid 2 20 is Extracellular Fluid a 5 is Plasma b 15 is interstitial fluid b Functions i Thermal high heat capacity and evaporation for cooling ii Participates in chemical reactions iii Lubricant iv Transport Medium v Solvent for ionization of electrolytes and acids c Tissue Content i Skin 72 water ii Organs 76 water iii Skeleton 22 water iv Blood 83 water v Adipose 10 water vi Muscle 76 water d Water Balance i ii INTAKE ml d iii Fluid ingestion iv Food water v Water of oxidation vi OUTPUT ml d vii Urine viii Expired air ix Feces x Skin Normal 2 500 1 200 1 000 300 2 500 1 400 400 200 500 Exercise 5 000 3 400 1 150 450 5 000 500 600 200 3 700 2 Know the body content functions daily intake and concentrations of electrolytes discussed in class a Sodium Na i Body Content 65g ii Functions 1 Control of extracellular fluid volume 2 Regulation of osmolality acid base balance 3 Cell membrane resting potential 4 Active transport across cell membranes iii Daily Intake 1 Adequate Intake 1500mg d 2 Upper Intake 2300mg d 3 Average daily intake 1 5 1 8g d b Potassium K i Body Content 180g ii Functions 1 Control of Intracellular Fluid Volume 2 Regulation of osmolality acid base balance 3 Cell membrane potential iii Daily Intake 1 Men 2945mg d 2 Women 1976mg d 3 Adequate intake 4700mg d c Concentration in body i Electrolyte Sweat ii Na mEq l 40 60 iii Cl mEq l 30 50 iv K mEq l 3 4 v Osmolality mOsm l 80 150 Plasma 140 101 4 290 Cells 9 6 162 290 3 Understand the equation to determine Net Filtration Pressure and be able to use this equation to solve a problem a Net Filtration Pressure Blood Hydrostatic Pressure Interstitial Fluid Osmotic Pressure Blood Colloid Osmotic Pressure Interstitial Fluid Hydrostatic Fluid i Net Filtration Pressure positive then Fluid is filtered out ii New filtration Pressure negative then Fluid is reabsorbed 4 Identify which factors regulate fluid balance Describe how each factor influences fluid balance Which is primary response long term etc a Thirst Mechanism decreases saliva production and blood volume and increases blood pressure Tells hypothalamus to increase fluid intake and relieve dehydration b Vasopressin ADH Increase in plasma osmolality causes ADH to be released and cause an increase in fluid reabsorption c Renin Angiotensin decline in systematic blood pressure and volume cause the release of angiotensin hormones to increase the reabsorption of sodium and water to increase blood volume and pressure 5 Describe physiologically how dehydration affects fluid balance in the different compartments osmolality sweating and performance at varying levels of hypohydration Are there any differences between men and women a Dehydration in compartments Majority of water loss is in intracellular and interstitial fluid with a minority of the water loss in plasma b Osmolality generally increasing osmolality with increasing dehydration but not significant c Plasma volume generally decreasing with increasing dehydration d Performance generally decreasing with increasing dehydration and hotter weather e Sweating rate of sweating decreases with increasing dehydration and causes a higher core body temperature f Women sweat less than men but maintain similar core body temperatures 6 What are the ACSM guidelines for exercise and fluid replacement a Prehydration slowly drink fluids beginning several hours before exercise b During exercise develop customized fluid replacement plans that prevent 2 dehydration c Preferred fluid temperature is between 15 and 21 C d Consuming fluids containing Na 20 30 meq L K 2 5 meq L and 6 8 CHO can help sustain fluid electrolyte balance and exercise performance e Post exercise consuming beverages and meals will expedite rapid and complete recovery by stimulating thirst and fluid retention 7 Know the characteristics of the various heat exercise related illnesses discussed in class a Heat Exhaustion Body is unable to continue exercise in heat blood pressure is low pulse is rapid and sweating is profuse b Hyponatremia low sodium and inability to retain water vomit diarrhea sweating c Exertional Heat Stroke body temperature is so high that it cause damage to body etc tissues 8 Identify the risk factors associated with hyponatremia a Low body weight b Female sex c 4 hours exercise duration or longer d Slow running or performance pace e Excessive drinking behavior f Renal water excretion altered by drugs NSAID g Extremely hot environmental conditions 9 Understand which factors have a positive and negative effect on gastric emptying a Stomach Volume increased gastric emptying with increased volume b Exercise Intensity slowed with High Intensity exercise moderate or low intensity c Osmolarity high osmolarity increases secretions that help in gastric emptying d Energy Density Fat inhibits gastric emptying protein carb drink slows gastric no change emptying e Meal Temperature optimal between 15 20degree Celsius f Psychological Stress reduction due to hormone concentration g Dehydration slowing h Hyperthermia slowing i Women slower j pH slower when pH 6 0 Optimal 7 0 10 How does food influence post exercise rehydration a Food has a lower urine output and higher net fluid balance than a carbohydrate drink Food is better for post exercise rehydration 11 Know what causes GI distress during exercise and how to minimize the risk a Physiological reduced blood flow due to anxiety b Mechanical impact or bad posture can disturb GI c Nutrition proteins fats fibers lactose intolerance dehydration d Prevention i Avoid milk products that contain lactose ii Avoid high fiber foods iii Avoid aspirin and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs NSAIDs iv Avoid high fructose foods v Avoid dehydration vi Practice new nutrition strategies 12 Know the B vitamins their DRIs upper limits if they exist and their specific coenzymes a Thiamin B1 b Riboflavin B2 i DRI Men 1 2mg d Women 1 1mg d ii Coenzymes thiamin pyrophosphate TPP i DRI Men 1 3mg d Women1 1mg d ii Coenzyme Flavinadenine dinucleotide FAD c Pyridoxine B6 i DRI 1 3mg d ii Upper Limit 100mg d iii Coenzyme pyridoxoal 5 phosphate PLP d Niacin i DRI Men 16mg d Women 14mg d ii Upper Limit 35mg d iii Coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD NADP e Pantotheninc acid i DRI

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