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Week 11 Religion and Food Religion The cultural knowledge of the supernatural that people use to cope with the ultimate problems of human existence Why are we here What should we do What happens when we die Religion and ritual allows people to cope with uncontrollable phenomena The Supernatural Making sense of the world Worldview L Function of Religion Religion and Ethics Food What is the purpose of food Essential to human existence Social and cultural How do we study food Food studies have illuminated broad societal processes such as political economic value creation symbolic value creation and the social construction of memory What we eat how we eat it culturally embedded What does food tell us Food avoidance evolutionary biology Food scarcity food insecurity o Who has access to food Personal ethical and religious practices Social change o Migrants refugees and colonizers Eating and ritual Food used to comment on the sacred Food and social binding reaffirm and transform relationships Food and memory Food taboos Food Insecurity What impacts our access to food Famine War Malnutrition Infectious diseases Food Deserts socio economic inequality o An area where its harder to get nutritious food o Affordable nutritious food o Urban places o Access to transportation in rural places Food and Identity Food and ethnicity Metacuisine o Our idea of what we deem as traditional What is French food What is Chinese food American food How do we consume culture o Customs o Rituals

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UMD ANTH 260 - Religion and Food

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