review for final 05 26 2014 Det ch 7 achieving economic goals Western vs non western flows of wealth Talking about family as economic unit Westerners parents are producers children consume Non western children are also producers o Contribute to household 3 types of economic principles Market exchange buy something with money redistribution system where things are held tp location then the goods are spread out amongst everyone charities taxes reciprocity o generalized doing things for others with no expectation of payment one way system o balanced 2 people who provide resources for each other o Negative one person tries to cheat the other person in 3 forms of money currency commodities electronic data credit cards how are things owned Takers and leavers exchange man over the land Individually owned o Takers anything in world can be owned world was made for o Leavers cant own anything man belongs to the world Squatters over time you become sedentary but don t have rights Corporate and government ownership Clan ownership Social relationships and economics social prestige what others think of you marriage Ascribed vs achieved status Ascribed is something you were born into royalty vs achieved someone who worked from the ground up Goals for economic behavior Maximize profit and minimize risk economics says Anthropology changes this by saying that social relationships matter So you don t want to screw over a friend to maximize profit o Many examples Robbins CH 3 globalization Globalization the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views products ideas and other aspects of culture Neoliberalism Capitalism Social capital finances not controlled by gov controlled by corporations constantly grow the economy and labor has to be devalued having connections networking Externalities of the market environment Why do economies collapse 1600s dutch tulip bulb and housing bubble pg 112 Det Ch 8 making sense of the world Perspective on religion Functions of religion Give people explanation Provide moral code structure Comfort in times of crisis Anthropological perspective no religion can be scientifically proven All religions are true but no religions are True Scientific method used to prove something and cant be used to not prove so science and religion coexist Structure of religious beliefs Types of religious beliefs Atheism absence of belief Theism belief in one or more dieties Monotheism one god Polytheism many gods o Animism traditional religions of the world refers to belief in spirits associated with nature and natural phenomena o Ancestor worship souls of individuals that were once alive o Animatism belief in 1 general spirit or power that exists in universe and not in any creature or nature or object o Robbins Ch 4 Reality Grid group theory Interpretive drift change in beliefs clinging to old E E Evans Pritchard oracle Azande go to oracle and the oracle says x will happen but when x doesn t happen the believe that they did something wrong or something else occurred to change outcome Ritual and symbolic action Important part of peoples culture Det Ch 9 fun Music sports Musilanguage music and language developed out of a common ancestor Cultural forms are important components os culture reflect culture The music and sports that cultures have reflect them Language and art and music connections Det Ch 10 creativity Body modifications Built env Human architecture Environmental modifications Man made islands dams Visual and performative arts Penis festival marching band Cave painting pottery urban statue art Robbins CH 6 identity Egocentric vs sociocentric Selfhood have a specific understanding of myself in relation to my society Egocentric center of awareness individualsim Sociocentric linked to society and not individua When meet someone you tell tem your name mainly first other people would instead say I m a relative of so and so Identity tool box whats your identity Fat talk Phallocentrism deployment of penis as concrete symbol of masculinity and social power Gift giving maintaining social relationships Rites of passage coming of age how identity transitions 3 stages of rights of passage o seperates person from existing identity o enters transition phase o changes incorporated into new identity Rituals bar bat mitzvah Det ch 11 human communication Aspects of speech Volume tone words spoken loudly or quietly sarcastically or not Tempo speaking slowly and carefully Clarity slurring or articulating each work Verbosity using a lot of words when a few will do Accents Styles specialized vocab What we study about language Formal technical structural Social cultural Varieties of narratives Anatomical and cognitive foundations of language Fields Linguistics Anthropology Folklore Cognitive sciences Languages may use different grammatical rules Vocabulary Affixes meaningful sound attached to root word Tactile sense of touch Analog estimation Grue Core vocab conservative words of a language Social cognitive time Phoneme sounds beg with consanats m b f t and d Momrpheme meaningful sound Marthas vineyard sign language deafness became prevalent in MV because people were marrying each other they came up with own sign language and they all knew it and people who were deaf weren t considered disabled anymore This sign language beame extinct Advantages and disadvantages of written records and oral history Det ch 12 Cultural competence you don t have to know anything about a culture not to be a jerk key point treat others with respect and dignity don t judge on appereance nationality religion geography people share many things the world is interconnected be a good person Examples Hmong understanding the placenta Making nurses take a class on upper white women s culture Shipbreakers in india Bonivillain ch 4 3 features of language Symbolism what we use in language doesn t always represent thing itself Displacement can talk about not present things future far away place Productivity combine things and words to make infinite sentences 4 components of language Phonology varying sounds are often used interchangabley inwords wthout creating difference in meaning Morphology sound sequences strung together to form words Syntax words strung together to form phrases and sentenecs Semantics study of meaning Nonverbal cues thumbs up here is positive vs in other cultures it means fuck u actions signs are an important part of language US multilingual more historical support for
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