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Study Guide Exam 3 Chapter 14 1 Diagnosis distinguishing one illness from another 2 Etiology the apparent causation and developmental history of an illness 3 Prognosis a forecast about the probable course of an illness 4 Epidemiology the study of the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population 5 Panic disorder recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety that usually occurs suddenly and unexpectedly 6 Agoraphobia a fear of going out in public places 7 Dissociative amnesia a sudden loss of memory for important personal information that is too extensive to be due to normal forgetting 8 Major depression psychological disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and despair and loss of interest in previous sources of pleasure 9 Anorexia Nervosa An eating disorder characterized by intense fear if gaining weight disturbed body image refusal to maintain normal weight and use of dangerous methods to lose weight 10 Dissociative Fugue a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal identity including the memories personality and other identifying characteristics of individuality 11 Obsession recurring thought such as worry that outweighs any other thought 12 Compulsion a strong usually irresistible impulse to perform an act especially one that is irrational or contrary to one s will 13 Acute stress disorder the development of severe anxiety dissociative and other symptoms that occurs within one month after exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor 14 Posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD Disturbed behavior that emerages sometime after a major stressful event is over 15 Diagnostic and statistical Manual DSM the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States 16 Dissociative identity disorder DID Dissociative disorder involving the coexistence in one person of two or more largely complete and usually very 17 Dysthymia a chronic type of depression that occurs on most days and lasts for a different personalities period of 2 or more years 18 Bulimia Nervosa An eating disorder characterzed by habitual out of control overeating followed by unhealthy compensatory efforts such as self induced vomiting fasting abuse of laxativesand diuretics and excessive exercise 19 Hypochondriasis a disorder in which one has the unfounded belief that one is 20 Panic attack a sudden surge of overwhelming fear that comes without warning suffering from a serious illness and without any obvious reason 21 Phobic disorder anxiety disorder marked by a persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that presents no realistic danger 22 Generalized anxiety disorder a psychological disorder marked by a chronic high level of anxiety that is not tied to any specific threat 23 Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD a psychological disorder marked by persistent uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts obsessions and urges to engage in senseless rituals compulsions 24 Epidemiology The study of the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population 25 Maladaptive A negative behavior or bad response 26 Conversion disorder a mental health condition in which a person has blindness paralysis or other nervous system neurologic symptoms that cannot 27 Bipolar disorder Psycholoical disorder marked by the emperience of both be explained by medical evaluation depressed and manic periods 28 Binge eating disorder An eating disorder that involves distess inducing eating binges that are not accompanied by the purging fasting and excessive exercise seen in bulimia 29 psychosomatic diseases involve both mind and body 30 abnormal behavior was explained during ancient times middle ages and the Renaissance as evil spirits inside a person and being released via trepanning spirit possession and exorcisms being a witch

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