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What is evolution Microevolution Occurs within populations changes in gene frequencies over time Macroevolution Big changes in geologic time Aristotle father of knowledge Plato things we see in world are reflections of perfect things somewhere else Species exist Greek Hebrews Scientific Revolutions changes in paradigms and in how people think Student at all Was to study the past 1600 s start of modern science Age of reason Age of enlightenment Could learn directly from natural world Galileo famous astronomer challenged the church 1633 1700 s Linnaeus Cataloging species titles Lamarck 1809 new species come from existing species through environmental forces Lyell All changes in nature are gradual Darwin and Wallace 1859 TIMELINE Ideas of Evolution billion of years old Ideas of Genetics Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species 1859 1906 Decay rates of radioactive isotopes reveal earth is 1865 Mendel discovers basic laws of inheritance 1900 Mendel s laws are rediscovered 1915 Morgan and Sturtevant map genes onto chromosomes Modern Evolutionary Synthesis 1930s 1940s Unifies research on genetics and evolution 1953 Watson and Crick discover DNA s structure 1960s Theory of Plate tectonics explains continental drift 1970s Peter and Rosemary Grant begin documenting evolution in Darwin s finches 1977 Woese reclassifies life into 3 domains Archea Bacteria Eukarya 1995 large scale genome sequencing begins reinforcing genetic similarities among species Darwin 2 12 birthday 4th most influential person of last millennium 1 000 Couldn t stick to one job Age 22 5 year voyage of Beagle Homesick an lonely Loved beetles Collections now in British Museum of natural history Found things on top of mountains in Chili Megatheirum elephant sized sloth Strongly influenced by Charles Lyell Gradualism Earth is very old and has been shaped by slow In South America found fossils of huge animals now extinct processes 10 kids Gentlemen naturalist not work to make living Wealthy Wedgewood pottery A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered value of life Working on ideas 1836 1858 25 books Chronic illness Marine iguana Galapagos Islands Galapagos Finches kept bad notes Adaptive radiation in islands Alfred Russell Wallace Naturalist Man who wasn t Darwin on the tendency to form varieties and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selections 1859 Origin of species Domesticated animals Organisms inhabiting Earth today descended from ancestral species Natural selection was mechanism for descent with modification Some things survive some don t Some reproduce some don t Patterns of inheritance were understood Sources of genetic variation Migration Selection differential mortality Mutations Sexual Reproduction What is a differential survival and reproduction Natural Selection Predation a means of diff survival moths visible were preyed on Suited to particular environment Differential Reproduction Asexual v sexual Sexual selection peacock most impressive males

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