Civil Liberties Workbook The fourth amendment provides protection for your reasonable expectations of privacy critical thinking The fifth amendment gives police latitude in questioning criminal suspects which can lead to false confessions social responsibility The death penalty raises issues about the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society communication The sixth amendment raises issues of the right to conscience personal responsibility Fourth Amendment The right of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated Privacy is defined in both subjective and objective terms Katz Test o Subjective a certain individual s opinion that a certain location or situation is private o Objective reasonable expectation of privacy expectation of privacy generally recognized by society Fifth Amendment Provides many protections both those who are criminal suspects and not Coerced confessions undermine the integrity of the judicial process and Right to remain silent being the most popular coerced confessions are sometimes false confessions that involve suspects admitting to crimes that they did not commit 80 of suspects in custody do not ask for an attorney because they think it makes them look guilty Police can isolate the suspect telling him that the police are the only ones who can help him that his friends family turned on him and that everyone knows he s guilty They can urge the criminal to write a letter to the victim that often conveys feelings of guilt that can be used against the suspect Also suggest cooperation and confession help them later Police also lie to suspects Death Penalty Supreme Court 1958 said the eighth amendment was the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society Our social values change so too does the meaning of the eight amendment s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment Only sentenced to death if they have reached the age of 18 before the offense With the improvement of forensic analysis many people on death row have been exonerated proven innocent 32 states that allow it are moving to reinstate previously abandoned execution methods such as electric chair and firing squad without the drug cocktail
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