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PSCI 1040 Unit 1 Red is really important stuff Also don t redistribute these notes That would be a dick move Ooh ahh look how pretty the theme is 1783 Revolutionary War ends Articles of Confederation written 1787 Constitution written and put into effect Faction A majority or minority group acting against the interests of the community public good Liberty is to faction as air is to fire Stop factions Remove causes Take liberty or Common interests for all citizens Control effects Principles of Constitution Right to property Personal and public liberty Rights of the minority security and stability Diversity of faculties Inherently unequal distribution of property Constitution addresses the question If you have a democratic government how do you control majority factions Democracy is not the answer it s the problem Republican form of government hinges on representation Purpose refine and enlarge Save us from ourselves Large number of voters per legislator Congress must be large to be effective Electoral districts Must be proportional Multiplicity of sects If every group has power no group is in control Property Origin of right to property labor mixed with nature Locke s apple If you pick and eat an apple it is yours Property comes from nature not government Ambition must be made to counteract ambition Modes of election Terms President 4 years electoral college Supreme Court life with good behavior nominated by president with advice consent of the Senate Senate 6 years direct election after 17th amendment Hall of Representatives 2 years direct election Progressivism Pragmatic approach social justice Conservatism Strict approach limited government Populist Working class Appeal to majority Raise minimum wage Idealism Communism Entire economy is controlled by government Socialism Major industries are controlled by government Totalitarianism Everything social economic etc is controlled by government America has a unique system of government Started in isolation Founded on ideas equality liberty etc Self governing local governments Slow deliberation Declaration of Independence God not mentioned specifically Creator Supreme Judge Divine Providence Public relations purpose is to ask help from Europe Anti slavery eventually omitted Unity practical v idealistic Shay s Rebellion Exposed flaws in a weak central govt No military or foreign diplomacy Interstate commerce difficult to regulate Constitution Planning Virginia Large State Plan Based representation on population New Jersey Small State Plan Equal representation for all states Connecticut Compromise Bicameral legislature 3 5 Compromise Is Constitution a pro slavery document Opposition to Constitution Antifederalists Undemocratic Electoral districts too large Supreme Court had authority to turn over state local laws No Bill of Rights Reasons to not include BoR Too restrictive Too litigious Positive grant of government Unnecessary Purpose of Constitution Preamble U S Constitution is oldest and shortest in the world THE END Once again don t reproduce these notes I ll be very upset

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UNT PSCI 1040 - Revolutionary War

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