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Final Exam Review Not ebook CCJS100 Creat ed 12 11 2014 3 00 PM Basic Information Saturday December 20th 2014 10 30 am Bring Pencil and UID Topics Probation What is it Updat ed 12 12 2014 4 55 PM The conditional release of an offender Difference from parole Can only get Parole if served time before hand Probation can be used instead of jail time Revoking Probation Committing a new crime or a technical violation Least restrictive way to manage prisoners Creator John Augustus Number of People on Probation 4 million People Changes in Probation Counseling to social services to risk management Issues with probation Soft on crime Heavy caseloads for officers Don t experience reentry if you are on probation Probation laws in Maryland Non violent offenders can have 2 3 of probation time removed Not applicable to violent offenders sex offenders or some drug offenders Reentry Reintegration What Parole is Grace Custody Contract 93 of people will be released back into the community at some point Most people end up on parole after jail time 77 of people released on parole This is a privilege from the court You are still in the possession of the state You are signing a contract with expectations and requirements Discretionary Release from jail Parole board releases you Either released into parole or directly into the community 22 released this way Mandatory Release from jail max good time Release onto parole 39 released this way Experational Release from jail All time served No parole time 19 released this way Community Programs Half way houses Work and educational release Furloughs Work or receive education and serve jail time Go on a vacation or see family to maintain connection with family Know what a parole officer is roles they play In charge of people out on parole Roles Social worker and cop Successfulness of parole board 70 commit a new crime when on parole Issues with reentry Changes in society technology Following the law loss of rights because of time served Technology Cyber Crime Police Technology What is it Prevalence Crime through the computer Growing in prevalence Laptops in cars Software GIS Geographic information systems DNA Identify people who commit crimes Exonerate people who did not commit crimes CODUS DNA Database FBI has finger print database Less lethal types of weapons instead of guns Courts Technology Correctional system Electronic File Management System with large number of cases Software and Equipment Exploiting use of technology in the court room Keep electronic records of in mates Technology smuggled into correctional facilities Social Media House arrest Juveniles Differences between Juveniles and adults Terms Pins Person In Need of Supervision Parens Patriae Status offenders The government or state acting as the parents of a child Juveniles that commit crimes that are only crimes to juveniles Neglected child Parents or guardian abandon child Dependent child Depends on someone else Delinquents Adjudication Disposition Aftercare Juveniles who have committed crimes Found guilty for juveniles Sentence that a juvenile receives Parole for juveniles Juvenile Court Act of 1899 Started the juvenile court system Juvenile Philosophy periods Juvenile court period Focused on saving children and supporting them Juvenile rights period Focused on giving juveniles rights Equating them to adults in all phases of criminal justice Crime Control Period Punishing children for crimes they have committed Less about supporting or helping and more about justice Kids are different period Finding the middle ground between punishment and rights More of a balance of the previous stages Upper range for Juvenile Court jursidiction Ages where tried as juveniles Vs adults Range is 16 to 18 for all states for maximum juvenile age Lower limit ranges from 14 down for when someone can be tried as a juvenile Police and Juveniles Will they be pulled into the system Will they be held at the precinct Should they be arrested Courts and Juveniles How should a juvenile be processed Judge decides most times if juvenile will be waived to adult court Can be prosecutor sometimes Can be held in preventive detention if dangerous 57 go into aftercare of parole Future of CJ Demographics Main threat group is going to decrease White males 15 to 29 How we fight crime Reduce the opportunity for crime Change the motivation of people who commit crimes Altering people s fundamental values Human rights groups Human trafficking Human smuggling Enslave individuals against there will People who willingly want to leave a place for another End up working for smugglers Many women who were smuggled become involved in the smuggling business later on Guest Speakers U S Supreme Court Cases Gagnon Vs Scarpelli 1973 Due process to all people facing revocation Revoking of probation Morrissey Vs Brewer 1972 Established the 2 stage process for technical violation hearings Determine if the violation occurred and if the person should be sent back to jail Kyllo Vs United States 2001 Officers need a warrant if they want to use thermal imagining technology Kent Vs United States 1966 Juveniles have the right to an attorney at a juvenile court hearing First case concerning juvenile due process rights In re Gault 1967 Juveniles have all due process rights that adults do Evidence must be proven beyond considerable doubt for juvenile courts McKeiver Vs Pennsylvania 1971 Juveniles are not entitled to a trial by jury Breed Vs Jones 1975 If a juvenile is found adjudicated guilty in juvenile court they cannot be waived to the adult court and tried again Schall Cs Martin 1984 It is constitutional to hold juveniles in preventive detention if they are dangerous Roper Vs Simmons 2005 Death Penalty is unconstitutional for anyone who committed a crime under the age of 18 Miller Vs A labama 2012 Juveniles cannot receive life without parole for homicide cases

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