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Psych Kinds of Memory 11 11 2013 Episodic Episodes events with time and place o I saw an elephant at a zoo in 2008 Generic Semantic Facts concepts and meanings o an elephant has big floppy ears and a trunk Explicit reference to prior learning experience o Recall what were the words on the list you read o Recognition circle the words you saw earlier VS Implicit no conscious awareness of remembering o Priming read list of words then do tasks participant wont know that experiments are connected o Stem completion MOT o Word fragment completion U O O I E Declarative knowing THAT mainly explicit o Statements using episodic and generic information VS VS Procedural knowing HOW mainly implicit o Skills riding a bike playing an instrument ect HM couldn t make new explicit memories No explicit episodic memory Some cases where generic information got through Henry Mollison He keeps having to ask where the bathroom is Doesn t remember nurses People would say he lost his stm but that s wrong because he can have conversations but if you leave the room and come back he wont remember who you are If you ask him to remember numbers like 86132 he repeats it but when you leave the room and come back he wont remember you but he can hold onto the digits in his stm he also had ltm because he has memories of stuff that happened before operation He does have some retrograde amnesia Trace consolidation doesn t work Elaborative rehearsal doesn t work anymore 11 11 2013 11 11 2013

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UConn PSYC 1100 - Kinds of Memory

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