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Chapter 7 Outline Political Parties Federalists Civil War versa New Deal Southerner Re alignment o First political party in America o Wanted to ratify the Constitution o Mostly wealthy educated people and were extremely well organized Jeffersonian Republicans o Second political party in America o Mostly farmers and not very organized so they lost o Modern day Democrats can trace roots back to the Jeffersonian o Republicans Democratic Party was associated with the South and the Confederacy North was Republican and associated with Lincoln o Difficult for a Republican to win an election in the South and vise Democrats became associated with the New Deal instead of being a Major shifts North used to be Republican South was Democrat and there was a major re alignment when that switched o Many Northern Republicans moved to the south Two Major Political Parties are Always a Thing Dualism we face only one diverse issue at a time o During the Civil Rights movement the Democratic Party took one stance and the Republican party took another Winner take all single member districts o Essential to our two party system o If there is one victor there is no chance for a third party to emerge Third parties also don t have primaries Third parties get on the ballot by petitions o Children also adopt the beliefs of their parents so third parties would have to try to convert adults

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TAMU POLS 207 - Chapter 7 Outline

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 1
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