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Bisc 104 Spring 2015 note things not talked about in class will not be on the exam Chapter 12 Outline of topics for Exam 2 History and the importance of paradigm shifts and scientific revolutions Aristotle Lamark Lyell Darwin and Wallace 1930s 1940 synthesis of ideas of evolution and genetics Darwin as a young man voyage of the Beagle Darwin as a middle aged man publication of Origin of Species know date Darwin in later years wrote many books Wallace biogeographer joint publication of idea of natural selection 1858 micro evolution and macroevolution allele frequency how to study alleles in populations populations in equilibrium Hardy Weinberg equilibrium forces that change equilibrium natural selection mutation migration small populations nonrandom mating small population genetic drift bottleneck effect nonrandom mating sexual selection intrasexual competition intersexual chioce examples of elephant seals and jumping spiders natural selection directional selection disruptive selection stabilizing selection example of sickle cell anemia mutation that can be traced single change in DNA with big effect example of heterozygote advantage Chapter 13 Evidence for evolution note ideas about evolution continue to evolve Abour how old is the earth About when was the paleozoic mesozoic and cenozoic eras on the Geological Time Scale What are the three domains which are prokaryotes eukaryotes sources of evidence for evolution fossils biogeography antatomy development molecules such as DNA and proteins Whales examples of a group with good intermediate fossils example from inland Mississippi example of vestigial structures such as the pelvis and hind limb plate techtonics Pangea Wallace s line homologous structures analagous strctures vistigial structures convergent evolution we did not talk about radiometric dating nor did we talk about development Chapter 4 Speciation Micro evolution compared with macroevolution What are some different concepts of species What is the biological species concept BSC For what groups might BSC not work What is speciation What is reproductive isolation prezygotic isolation postzygotic isolation What are pre zygotic barriers What is allopatric speciation sympatric speciation What is gradualism punctuated equilibrium What is extinction How many mass extinctions have there been post zygotic barriers

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Ole Miss BISC 104 - Chapter 12

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