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Discussion Question Should an enterprise architecture strategy be established before an enterprise SDLC methodology is established Do you think an emphasis on architecture preempts the traditional reliance on the SDLC methodology to ensure IT governance Answer What am I missing here Architectural strategies are defined within the SDLC As soon as the fundamental system characteristics have haven identified the architecture design can begin Naturally a follow up question is raised How stable the architecture design has to be before the implementation starts and what does it mean for architecture to be stable An architect must decide when a selected design is sufficient enough to start developing the core of the system but not before a selected design has been evaluated Failing to properly evaluate a selected architecture to ensure that it meets the business needs is a recipe for poor architecture If an architect is not able to justify the decisions made and explain how he or she came to a certain decision then he or she has not finished the job

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UOPX BSA 385 - Assignment

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