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History Final Essay Notes 03 19 2015 Han Dynasty Analyze state and society during the Han dynasty Why did the Han dynasty s founders choose the Qin bureaucratic centralization model How did Confucianism legitimize that model What role did civil service examinations play in the genesis of the scholar gentry I Intro a Qin dynasty rose after the later Zhou dynasty in 256 B C E i From the Qin dynasty China gained The Great Wall centralized bureaucracy methods of Legalism ii Qin dynasty is important to the Han dynasty because the Hans adopted some of their cultures and administrations 1 Doctrine of Legalism goal was to increase the power of the state influenced the politics a No value of ethics b 2 handles controlled by ruler reward and punishment 2 Chinese land of the Qin state was fertile for farming 3 Ruler Qin Shi Huangdi centralized bureaucracy a Abolished feudalism b Used officials in provinces to enforce laws c People extremely disliked this method 4 Qin had united Chinese speaking peoples and created a giant empire with centralized rulers 5 Han dynasty took over when Qin dynasty fell a Expanded east and south II Why did the Han dynasty s founders choose the Qin bureaucratic centralization model a Han Synthesis combination of existing elements i Leader Liu Bang emperor of Han dynasty adopted bureaucratic centralization which had been used in the empire prior to Qin rule 1 Used legalist officials methods a Legalism itself had been banned because of its exploitation and harsh treatments of Chinese peoples 2 Combined with imperialist state system a Capitol imperial state b Rules over provinces and counties ii Administration created symbiotic relationship between emperors and officials where both benefit 1 Mutual benefits power prestige wealth in different categories and parts of the culture and system III How did Confucianism legitimize that model a Legitimize make something normal natural accepted b Became essential to employment and promotion in the Han gov c Ideas of Confucianism trumped ideas of legalism but still kept legalist government methods and system i Tried to mask the fact they were still using legalism which was banned ii Confucianism stressed ancestral worship habits of obedience towards family and emperor iii Confucianism propaganda that enforced that the government was using the right system and making the right decisions iv Canon list of legitimized Confucianism texts 1 Knowledge of canon became a requirement to be in 2 Education and Confucianism became crucial to success IV What role did civil service exams play in the genesis of scholar gentry a Imperial University created to teach male students of Confucianism i Knowledge of the canon was required for any service of office government ii Believed study of Confucianism would make you a better person b Dynasty developed civil service exams i Chinese examination system marked the beginning of the first professional civil service exams ii Merit based would determine qualification for government positions family iii Passing brought honor wealth and prestige to student and their iv Became the goal and focus of families and their sons 1 Expected to study from age 3 attend university pass civil service exam gov position honor wealth 2 Typically only the more wealthy could afford an education which was necessary to pass the exam a Elites had the advantage v Birth of the scholar gentry class 1 Growing influence of the government affected Chinese life as a whole 2 Degree holders passed the exam a Wealthy primarily from land ownership b Not hereditary i New revolutionary idea c Founders of gentry families were generally common land owners 3 Scholar gentry upheld their position through land holdings and political positions in the bureaucracy 4 Lived in large walled compounds with household servants V Conclusion family a Model created mutual satisfaction between land owners and ruling i Gave middle high class families and opportunity for wealth and honor if their son passed the civil service exam b System of government struggled without a definition of their system could not call it a legalist system so they legitimized it with the importance of Confucianism c Han synthesis centralized bureaucratic system used in every Chinese dynasty prior to Han dynasty excluding the Mongols History Final Essay Notes 03 19 2015 Islamic Faith Analyze the Islamic faith from the Night of Power and Excellence until the founding of the Umayyad Caliphate Be sure to include a discussion of the life of the Prophet belief and practices as stated in the Quran and the impact of Islam on the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding territories I Intro a Pre Islamic Arabic peninsula i Nomadic pastoralism 1 Herded sheep animals and migrated seasonally 2 Traders farmers ii Arabs did not have a strong singular state 1 Formed familial clans iii Religion stressed deities 1 Idols that represented deities 2 Kabah important pilgrimage site to make offerings to deities iv Quraysh clan dominated Mecca II Life of the Prophet a Mohammed born in 570 B C E i Poor member of Quraysh orphaned 1 Fortunate to be born into a respected clan and powerful ii Began life as a merchant and learned knowledge of land peoples tribe and religions 1 Saw the various lifestyles Arab people were living a Some got their profits from commerce others maintained herding lifestyles 2 Mohammed became unhappy with life focused on material gain a Spent time in the wilderness b Believed that Mohammed spoke to the angel Gabriel in 610 B C E i Called the Night of Power and Excellence ii Believed Mohammed s spoken word was the word of God 1 inspired utterances 2 there was a distinction between inspired utterances and Mohammed s own thoughts iii Believed to be the seal of the prophets 1 last prophet that God spoke to God s last direct message c Quraysh disliked new monotheistic religion i Muslims followers of Mohammed and of Islam fled with Mohammed to a new place to avoid persecution for celebrating new religion 1 Hijrah to Medina in 622 CE a Big break in the culture called Year One for Islamic religion ii Islam was well received in Medina and Mohammed became their spiritual political leader iii Quraysh attacked Medina in 630 CE and were defeated so Muslims conquered Mecca and destroyed all the idols left black stone untouched believed it was a gift from God iv Mohammed s death in 632 CE led to the doctrine of Islam the Quran III Belief and practice as stated in the Quran a Quran

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