MGT 3200 Exam Three Final Textbook Objectives 1 What is charismatic leadership p 191 p 245 Charismatic leaders are dominant and exceptionally self confident and they have a strong conviction in the moral righteousness of their beliefs They strive to create an aura of competence and success and communicate high expectations for and confidence in followers Ultimately charismatic leaders satisfy other people s needs 2 When is charismatic leadership particularly effective p 192 p 246 Charisma can contribute to transformational leadership Transformational leaders get people to transcend their personal interests for the sake of the larger community They generate excitement and revitalize organizations They generate excitement b c they are charismatic 3 What is transformational leadership p 193 p 247 Transformational leaders get people to transcend their personal interests for the sake of the larger community They generate excitement and revitalize organizations They generate excitement b c they are charismatic 4 What is transactional leadership p 193 p 247 Transactional leaders view management as a series of transactions in which they use their legitimate reward and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered Unlike transformational leadership transactional leadership is dispassionate it does not excite transform empower or inspire people to focus on the interests of the group or organization Transactional approaches may be more effective for individualists than for collectivists 5 How do transformational leaders create excitement p 193 p 247 They are charismatic they give the followers individualized attention They delegate challenging work to deserving people keep lines of communication open and provide one on one mentoring to develop their people They do not treat everyone alike because not everyone is alike They are also intellectually stimulating They arouse in their followers an awareness of problems and potential solutions They articulate the organization s opportunities threats strengths and weaknesses The stir the imagination and generate insights As a result problems are recognized and high quality solutions are identified and implemented with followers full commitment 6 What are the four skills strategies of transformational leaders p 194 p 248 through words manner or symbolism leaders relate a Leaders have a goal an agenda or a results orientation that grabs attention Being consistent dependable and persistent leaders position themselves Having a vision Communicating their vision compelling image of the ultimate goal Building trust clearly by choosing a direction and staying with it thus projecting integrity Having positive self regard recognize their personal strengths compensate for the weaknesses nuture and continually develop their talents and know how to learn from failure They strive for success rather than merely try to avoid failure Leaders don t feel self important or complacent but rather 7 What is level 5 leadership p 195 p 249 A term well known among executives is considered by some to be the ultimate leadership style It is a combination of strong professional will determination and personal humility that builds enduring greatness They are relentlessly focused on the organization s long term success while behaving with modesty directing attention toward the organization rather than him 8 What is a servant leader p 196 p 250 A servant leader is a leader who serves others needs while strengthening the organization 9 What is the expectancy theory of motivation p 210 p 264 It is a theory proposing that people will behave based on their perceived likelihood that their effort will lead to a certain outcome and on how highly they value that outcome 10 What does the term expectancy refer to in expectancy theory How does it affect motivation p 210 p 264 Expectancy is the employees perception of the likelihood that their efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals High expectancies create higher motivation than do low expectancies 11 What does the term instrumentality refer to in expectancy theory How does it affect motivation p 210 p 264 Instrumentality is the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome 12 What does the term valence refer to in expectancy theory How does it affect motivation p 210 p 264 Valence is the value an outcome holds for the person contemplating it 13 What must occur for motivation to be high in expectancy theory p 210 211 p 264 265 All three beliefs must be high 14 What are McClelland s need for achievement need for affiliation and need for power and how do they affect motivation p 214 215 p 268 269 Need for achievement a strong orientation toward accomplishment and an obsession with success and goal attainment Most managers and entrepreneurs in the US have high levels of this need and like to see it in their employees Need for affiliation a strong desire to be liked by other people Individuals who have high levels of this need oriented toward getting along with others and may be less concerned with performing at high levels Need for power force if it is expressed through the aggressive manipulation and exploitation of others a desire to influence or control other people This need can be a negative 15 What are the two types of need for power p 215 p 269 Personalized power and socialized power 16 What combination of McClelland s 3 needs is associated with managerial success What s the problem with need for affiliation in a leadership role p 215 p 269 Low need for affiliation and moderate to high need for power are associated with managerial success for both higher and lower level managers One reason the need for affiliation is not necessary for leadership success is that managers high on this need have difficulty making tough but necessary decisions that will upset some people 17 What are the roles of task specialist and team maintenance specialist in a team p 237 p roles are filled by individuals who have particular job related skills and 291 Task Specialist abilities These employees keep the team moving toward accomplishment of the objectives Team Maintenance Specialists develop and maintain harmony within the team They boost morale give support provide humor soothe hurt feelings and generally exhibit a concern with members well being
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