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Alexis Lemons History 150 12 TR 12 30pm 13 45pm Dr Christopher Thompson 1 Voltaire a Candide i One of the great works in the 1700s ii Not philosophical 1 Satirical 2 A story b French 2 Voyages of Discovery by Europeans a The greatest focus of explanation and colonization was the Americas b China and the ottoman empire were more advanced than Europe i The Muslim world was the bridge from Asia to Europe ii More advanced in multiple things such as surgery and algebra c Europe had the best spot to discover the west and south i Geography play an important part in history d Ottoman empire was interested in the Mediterranean and Europe e Chinese empire i Early 1400s 1 Launching vast expeditions by admiral Zheng He Looked at Asia African the Arabian a b 27 000 people on the 3 000 ships c developed trade with the pacific middle east and Africa d forced them to pay tribute i basically taxing them 2 had more technological power a had much bigger ships than Europe 3 Had the largest population even then 4 Decided that they were too open to outside influence so they blocked f Europe themselves off i The protestant reformation gave both protestants and Catholics the motivation to convert as any people as possible ii Emerged from the middle ages 1 New optimism of human ability 2 Scientific revolution 3 Renaissance iii Competition between kingdoms was good and bad a Colonized to grow kingdom 1 Good 2 Bad a Wars g God Gold and Glory i God 1 In search for converts a Before protestant reformation Catholics still tried to convert in Africa i Converted king of the Congo by the Portuguese in central Africa his enemies 1 Not just out of faith but to gain allies against ii Gold 1 Nickname for all the precious things not found in Europe a Silver b Spice trade iii Glory 1 A small space iv Means other i Wanted for cooks medicine and religious incents a A number of major and small kingdoms are fighting i Colonizing far away places gives an edge over each 1 Needed ships that could travel 2 Needed money to travel 3 Incredibly dangerous a Could starve b Believed there were sea monsters c d Dehydration Storms h Portuguese i Prince Henry the Navigator Launched the first voyages of exploration 1 2 First European leader to invest in a voyages a It was a gamble ii Developed a new kind of ship 1 Not as big as Chinese ships 2 Very reliable and modern a 2 tail mast i taller the mast and the bigger the sails the faster you go b long and narrow design i cut the waves ii less drag c not designed to carry much cargo i designed to carry canons and humans d good protection for cargo ships i Spain i Ferdinand and Isabelle 1 Funded Christopher Columbus Italian a b Humble c A great sailor d Convinced Spain to fund him i 25 million people before Cortez and about 2 million after because of disease e NOT THE FIRST TO EXPLORE f Decide not to travel by land anymore i Rough terrain ii Ottoman empire iii Criminals iv Can carry more in ships Spain and Portugal colonized most of south American j k Columbian exchange i Cortez 1 Conquered the Aztec empire conquistador a Mexico b 1500s c d brought many men and history e became the new ruler of the Aztec empire i defeated them mostly by disease 1 smallpox a 1520 1580 l Diseases exchanged i Small pox ii Typhus iii Yellow fever iv Syphilis v Malaria vi Measles m Plant Exchange i European 1 Wheat 2 Olive 3 Grapes 4 Onions 5 Rice ii American 1 Maize corn 2 Tomatoes 3 Potatoes Sweet Potatoes a Nutritional b Easy to grow c Feed a large population 4 Tobacco 5 Sugar cane a Europeans had sugar beets b Sugar was basically used as money 6 Coffee n Animal Exchange i European 1 Horse 2 Sheep 3 Cattle 4 Goats 5 Pigs ii American 1 Turkeys 2 Dogs 3 Not very many were domesticated animals 3 Slave Trade a Motivated by low numbers of native Americans i Americans know the land and can run away and hide susceptible to disease 1 2 Spanish and Portuguese did exploit them in south American 3 Not enough of them b Early Europeans brought indentured servants c Africans had built up immunities to disease i Early 1500s Europeans would gather them from other African communities on the west Africa 1 Prisoners of war 2 Captured people not of their tribe 3 Had been going on for 100s of years a Arabs have been coming down to buy them 4 12 million slaves were taken and began the voyage across the Atlantic a 20 died crossing the Atlantic b 90 went to the Caribbean and south American c less than 10 went to north American Jamaica was a British colony d e Slave markets i Sold to the highest bidder f Brought to the coast of Africa and held them in camps i Bought ii Once there was enough they would put them on a ship for the voyage g Portuguese started it i Everyone was involved in the slave trade h Impact on Africa was horrific i Depleted communities ii Destroyed families iii Destroyed economy iv Created chaos Early 1500s 1800s Still legal to own a slave in the 1880s i j k Brought mostly adults so they could work immediately and reproduce 4 New Racism a Slavery is old i Ancient civilizations by citizenship b Europeans had slaves in the middle ages i how could you enslave a Christian c targeted a region of some familiarity i was not a widespread racism inferiority until the 1500s ii early Christians celebrated black Christian converts iii nativity scenes always had at least one black person iv found a story in the genesis that they used to enslave people 1 Noah s son Ham mocked his father a god said ham s descendants would be enslaved b Noah s 3 sons were the one that produced the three major races v Europeans knew about parts of Africa before this i one being black people 1 Seen as hardworking and respected 2 Once the need for slaves came they began depicting them in a negative way a Served as a justification 5 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment a Looked at the world as an elaborate machine i Still believed in god but created universal laws to analyze and be scientific ii Able to predict behavior b Before the the scientific revolution they got the age of the earth from the bible i Began to discover fossils ii Darwin challenged its age with the evolution theory iii iv Heliocentric It was a revolution because it challenged religion and the government 1 Helio Greek word for sun 2 Earth revolves around the sun v God s most special creations are humans 1 Catholics believed it was geocentric a everything revolved around the earth i Galileo was placed on house arrest for the rest of his …

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BSU HIST 150 - Voltaire

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