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ANTHRO2200 MIDTERM 1 REVIEW SIX ATTRIBUTES TO BE A HUMAN Bipedalism Non honing chewing Material culture and use of tools Speech Hunting strategies Domesticated foods FOUR SUBFIELDS OF ANTHROPOLOGY 1 Archeology 2 Linguistics 3 Cultural 4 Physical a k a Biological CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Studies the a patterns of human behavior b political and social organization c d rites of passage traditions concerning marriage childbirth and puberty e ethnography and ethnology LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY Studies the a dying languages of the world and records them language families by grouping b c use of words and how they change over time d population movements ARCHEOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Studies the a patterns of behavior b use of material record c d not quite Indiana Jones e not tomb raiding uses contextual trash basically analysis when observing remains BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Studies a human evolution paleoanthropology a focuses on primate human evolution and they biological and geographical background they share b goal is to fully explore the origin of the human species b primates primatology c skeletons skeletal anthropology a osteology b paleopathology ancient diseases forensics causes of death c d histology determining factors of age gender ethnicity e bone bio chemistry d human biology a genetics b growth and development c d variation adaptability e demography a paleodemography b historical demography nutritional anthropology f g medical anthropology THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Research Strategy It must be repeatable Step 1 Observation Step 2 Create a question Step 3 Create a hypothesis and make predictions Step 4 Conduct test Step 5 Analyze the results and repeat Theories and laws are different a law is accepted as fact as it has yet to be disproven and is also considered to be eternal however a theory is more like an observation and the subsequent explanation of that observation combined which can be disproven or altered as evidence is gathered Evolution is both a fact and a theory ANTHRO2200 MIDTERM 1 REVIEW FAMOUS FIGURES NAMES TO DEFINITELY KNOW BISHOP USSHER was a pre 17th century religious leader who is credited with the special creation school of thought which included a literal interpretation of the Bible SIR FRANCIS BACON developed the scientific method that s it ERASMUS DARWIN was the grandfather of Charles Darwin and an early proponent of the evolutionary theory in his own time ROBERT HOOK studied tissue structure and determined that fossils were once living creatures BARON CUVIER is credited with the development of catastrophism or the idea that all God s creatures were alive at the same time until a horrible catastrophe wiped out the ones that no longer exist today He is known as the father of comparative anatomy and paleontology JOHN RAY CARL VON LINN who share a joint title as the fathers of taxonomy for their recognition for a need for order when studying organisms because of these two early paleontologists we developed binomial nomenclature which uses two Latin names as a universal language JOHN BAPTISTE LaMARCK had a few advanced and well developed ideas of evolution but strayed in a few important areas LaMARCK WAS RIGHT ABOUT living organisms descended from precourser species the environment is the stimulus for change LaMARCK WAS SO VERY WRONG ABOUT these changes often occurring within one lifetime can be directed by will acquired characteristics such as tattoos and missing limbs can be passed onto offspring JAMES HUTTON studied erosion and is credited with developing uniformitarianism which asserts that changes to organisms that happened in the past are still happening today and will continue to happen CHARLES LYELL took HUTTON s ideas and ran with them smacking down BISHOP USSHER s catastrophism THOMAS HUXLEY bullied Darwin to publish and acted as Darwin s bulldog by defending him to the public JULIAN HUXLEY followed in his grandfather s footsteps and helped solidify the theory of evolution GREGOR MENDEL was unknown in his time but he did some flower experiments and basically discovered genes Rosalind Raymond TOOK X RAYS PRETTY Franklin Gosling MUCH DISCOVERED DNA Watson Crick are credited with the discovery of DNA and the double helix structure though Gould Eldredge came up with punctuated equilibrium which states that periods of rapid change are followed by periods of stasis based on what a species needs to survive in an environment furthermore rapid change means that no fossil evidence is left behind by these quick in between species FRANZ BOAS rejected the idea that skull shape phrenology was a racial trait and asserted that it was a factor influenced by a person s environment instead he was gave strong opposition to the many incorrect and racist ideologies present in the scientific community which earned him the title of the father of American anthropology ANTHRO2200 MIDTERM 1 REVIEW THE BIG MAN HIMSELF The Adventures of Charles Darwin and His HMS Beagle This great bearded glacier insisted on having a magnum opus to call his own and waited almost too long to publish his works He waited so long in fact that his young admirer ALFRED WALLACE almost beat him to the punch His publishing of On the Origin of Species feelin fine at 11 59 was greatly influenced by MALTHUS S claims that population and survival are determined by who can best get their hands on the food and other necessary resources that s the Malthusian Equation Before we begin there are 3 absolutely essential facts that must be accepted as true in order for evolution to be possible 1 The earth is very very old 2 The surface of the earth is always changing 3 The inhabitants of the earth are likewise always changing Darwin s contributions are as follows 1 Evolution has occurred Deal with it 2 Evolution has also occurred in humans It is a gradual change that takes a very 3 long looong time 4 Natural selection plays an important role 5 One species gives rise to many species which is also known as speciation CELL BIOLOGY Prokaryotic cells single Eukaryotic cells complex they contain DNA in the nucleus gametes which determine sex haploids and diploids which are also known as somatic or body cells DNA has four bases Adenine which is paired with Thymine Guanine which is paired with Cytosine DNA has two types mitochondrial from the mother which slowly changes nuclear which is changing all the damn time THREE AMINO ACIDS IN A ROW WILL CONTAIN codon anti codon triplet and a chain of em makes up a protein ANTHRO2200 MIDTERM

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