MGT 3200 FINAL TEST According to maslows hierarchy of needs theory All of the above Given the most jobs are specialized what needs are typically frustrated for most employees Esteem and self actualization In Alderfer s ERG theory relatedness needs are equivalent to what needs in Maslow s hierarchy of needs In Herzberg s 2 factor theory what motivates employees Job enrichment Which of the following is not a hygiene factor Autonomy internal If a person held a specialized job that paid well and had great benefits this person would experience which of the following states according to 2 factory theory Which of the following is not a critism of 2 factory theory It assumes everyone has an instrumental motivation toward work Process Theories of Motivation Locke s Goal setting Theory o Its based on one simple premise there is a direct relationship between what we intend to do and what we actually do o In this theory we try to specify those goal setting conditions that are based on our performance o SCARF Model of goals S goals should be specific in terms of what s desired and when its desired by C goals should be challenging yet achievable Challenging yet qualified If it s extremely difficult you are going to give up Different strokes for different folks we each think different about our own goals A goals should be accepted by the person ownership Should be accepted by the employee No longer supervisors goals it is the employees goal EX when he was a science major because his parents wanted him to become a doctor R goals attainment should be rewarded It will increase because we will benefit for achieving your goals F one should receive feedback on goal related performance We got to get feedback on how we are doing on comparison with our goal Planning and controlling are always found together o 3 ways to increase goal acceptance Rewards for goal attainment Participation in goal setting by the subordinate Does every employee want to participate Autocratic tell and sell method of goal setting Manager is setting the goal and sells the employee on it How to sell it o Reasons for it task significance how they are going to benefit Both 2 and 3 can be equally acceptable from it Skinner s Reinforcement Theory o It is based on one simple law Thorndike s law of effect o Behavior that are followed by positive consequences will tend to be repeated whereas those behaviors that are followed by negative or no consequence will tend to be repeated o Hedonism you want to maximize pleasure and decrease pain o The employee gives you good performance the manager gives poor consequence transactional managers o In this theory managers must manage consequences for behavior o This theory has 3 basic components Least important it was the only one not talked about Stimulus Response Reinforce behavior Consequence o 4 types of reinforcement Positive reinforcement You get something for a good thing you do Reward The individual receiving it decides if its good or bad Negative reinforcement When behavior occurs a negative is taken away The sig of release when you do not get punished EX safety goggles on top of your head and you have 2 strikes so when you see the manager you put them on your face so you do not get the third strike and get fired You do the behavior so you do not get punished Extinction Punishment Ignore it long enough and it will go away It s going to get worse before it gets better Theoretically that behavior should die out When a behavior occurs it s the consequence after And negative reinforcement are flip sides of the same thing EX when I leave on time and get caught in traffic Problems with punishment o It only tells you what you ve done wrong o It can cause the person being punished to feel either sad or mad o It will decrease the frequency of the behavior only when the punisher is around Traps to avoid in managing consequences for behavior Leave alone zap trap o If say something wrong you will get zapped o There is no positive reinforcement o They do not like the manager and they cannot come to him with problems so they act like everything is fine o Exculpatory behavior external the blame It s never your fault it s always someone else s fault o More likely to happen to introvert Jelly bean motivation trap o This manager has a high need to be liked o If everyone is given the same rewards everyone will go away happy So that way people will like them o When give out how will people do they give out rewards like Mardi Gras with beads o The boss credibility goes down because no one will believe him because they know not everyone is doing their best work o High performer gets upset because he gets the same as everyone else but is doing all the work So they either quit and stay or quit and leave o The high performer quits and stays then his attitude is going to affect everyone around them so now one is going to do the work Or all the high performers just quit and leave the company nothing o The poor performer thinks they are doing great and just keeps on doing there crappy work o To fix jelly bean motivation We have to tie rewards to performance The more work you do the more reward you get Piss of the poor performer but the anger can get them motivated o More likely happen to extravert Rewarding on assumed needs trap o The managers thinks what motivates him will motivate his employees o It will never be negative reinforcement because you are not taking anything away o It is either extinction positive reinforcement or punishment o When a manager rewards on assumed needs the employees could perceive the reward as Positive reinforcement Extinction Punishment All of the above Class Questions Which of the following is not an aspect of an effective goal setting program in all situations Subordinate participation in goal setting Sometimes you have to use the autocratic sell and tell The autocratic tell and sell method works to improve employee performance by increasing The acceptance of goals You tell them and then you sell them When a worker starts performing well so she won t be fired this is known as Negative reinforcement Which of the following is also known as avoidance learning Which of the following is not true concerning punishment It replaces the bad behavior with a good behavior Once they do something bad you have to coach them up and then give them a reward When a manager falls victim to the leave alone zap trap he falls to use which consequence for management behavior High performance under the
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