Hist Notes 4 29 one of the tings we see hap is inc in pop another consequence of ag rev of 1000 is more food and we have extra we trade it there will be a revolution in commerce we will trade food in Paris over 11 and 12 thC we see a growth in city life there is a coming together need for a central location where to trade stuff cities become concentrated pop centers not everyone is built to be a farmer so those that are not will go to Paris and seek out opportunity there bc there was an inc in labor technology we will put ppl to work in citties shift into cities from farms movement of pop into citites at the same time that cities became great centers of commerce with this pop growth we still have old villages with extra pop with this extra pop that likes living in country side will need a new place to live new villages were created for these ppl to find space for new villages ppl cut down farms and forests deforestation these new villages will generate more food more ppl more trade more cities growth within Europe itself cities like Paris are nicely built up in Italy the most precocious development of expansion occurred Venice reminds us of the inc in international commerce it was the Italians that took the lead to international trade due to their great location and access to all other merchants eastern and Arabic merchants have this access due to great location there was also a growth in industry Venice was known for its arsenal where they did ship building and made weaponry European steel became a luxury item and we also need boats to cross the mediteranean also in N France and England there was a great wool into fabric trade development of home grown industry growing out of big industry revolution the Guilde System begins to emerge guildes are trade unions thre is spiritual and rel and social networking association in the guildes also the guilde was resp for defining the quality of a product ships wool trade etc ppl would appreticne themeslevs to a master craftsmen then you could become a journey man and then you could open your own shop and maybe become a master craftsmen all of these institutions helped define growth and industry this was a pd of imp pop and econ and geo growth great expansion in 11 12 13th C Urban II was the Pope from 1088 to 1099 he did one really imp thing in 1095 he wondered up from Italy to a town from Clermont in S France where he held a conference and issued a call he proclaimed that our fellow Chirstains in the holy land have been harassed an persecuted our fellow Ch in Constantinople have suffered the assaults of Pegans it is our duty to protect them in 1095 Pope Urban the II initated the 1st Crusade the popularity of Crusade lingered on through 14 and 15th C Urban in response to reports that he received form harassment of Ch in the holy land called on Ch warriors to stop killing each other and go kill Muslims and cleanse holy city of Jerusalem according to accounts when Urban was done his speech everyone was very enthusiastic for his ideas God wilst is many messengers were sent by the pope to spread message and wage war and recapture the holy land 100 000 and a goose went off on the Crusade the Peopl s crusade led by Peter the Hermit these were lower class knights who wanted to protect the holy land Emperor in Constantinople is a little unimpressed and then they go and get sacked by Muslims but Peter the Hermit escapes they got to the holy land then Ch took Jerusalem and took control of the Holy Land the first Cursade was then a success bc their goal was to capture Jeruslam and they succeeded but the problem was holding onto JErusalme bc the ppl there are mostly Muslim and over generations Muslim leaders indulged into a coutner Crusade as thy fought to take back territorties lost in the first Crusade there was the Kings Crusade Phillip II of France Richard the Lionhearted Frederick Barbarossa most respected figure in Europe in 1234 Muslims est control of Constantinople until 1260 the Crusaders were finally expelled in 1291 in the last of the Crusades and ultimately lost part of whats happening in Europe is the growing pop that we will be able to send them off to the Crusade there was an internal exp with deforestation and the external exp represented by Crusades bc we have more ppl and more money this Crusade represents this growth in Euro pop and wealth and organization RECONQUISTA in 1492 one of the motivations form around 1100 was to fight in the honor of Christ or of the Crucifix this is a very important image image of the Gero Crucifix bc it indicates the transformation hat occurs throughout the 11 12 13 14th C this illustrates a changing perception and representation of the cross earlier Crucifixes tended to show Jesus and very powerful and majestic figure wearing the royal crown of heaven suggesting the success of God here we see Jesus as a suffering servant in the Gero Crucifix we see a growing emphasis on those ppl around jesus the apostles we see a growing desire to emulate Jesus and live like Jesus and those around Jesus were given a greater importance over the course of the 11th C many ppl went to Jerusalem bc they wanted to be where Jesus was once day focus on the human jesus increased attention to places like Jerusalem and so the Crusade is a reflection on the growing Jesus and living life in the emulationof Jesus from the life of Gregory the 7th Rome became imp in the 11th C Peter was the first bishop of Rome and he was an Apostle he was the Prince of the Apostles as a matter of fact Peter gets a little more attention bc we are interested in Jesus and those around him and one of the most imp figures around Jesus was Peter bishop of Rome the Pope called the Crusade and he was the successor of St Peter over the 11th C there was a change of understanding in the authority of the Pope in 1050 a series of Popes issued a series of laws which caused ppl from Italy and Germany joined the Pope and became to assert universal authority of the Pope over all Ch no matter who that Ch was they were all subject to authority of Pope had the keys to success of heaven this new attitude led to changes in understanding of role of Pope and Priests in Church this was called the Gregorian Reform 1073 85 Defines what Cath church is for Gregory the Church was the vehicle of God s grace and the Priests had the resp of holding the body and blood of Christ at his hands at Communion and there was now growing emphasis of the Priest argument that Priests …
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