US History AMH 2020 Unit Exam I Study Guide Chapters 16 18 19 20 General Themes Industrialization Key Question of the Big Business o Does economic efficiency concentration of wealth pose a threat to democracy and its institution Transformation of National Economy WHY 1 New technology 2 Corporate organization 3 Expanded labor force immigrants migration Transformation of National Economy Impacts o Urbanization the creation of cities o Railroad expansion NUMBER 1 INDUSTRY o Exploitation of natural resources o Overseas market and global trade o Greater division of wealth in U S Characteristics of Industrial Expansion after Civil War Labor Force Monopolies Cheap Energy Raw Materials Technological innovations Price Drops Money supply shortage compared to productivity Capital and Labor Government Laissez Faire Hands Off No government regulation Railroad Industry Impact and Corporate Enterprises Domestic Market for raw materials Iron Steel Coal Transportation production of goods Building cities Immigration Land Distribution Captains of Industry versus Robber Barons Captains of Industry 1 Progress 2 Prosperity 3 Stability 4 Innovative Robber Barons 1 Greed 2 Corruption 3 Undermining Freedom Progressive Movement o Main Issue Power and corruption of corporate America is at the heart of crisis of democracy and inequality of U S o End Result The reform efforts did end the political stale mark in politics and government Impulses Varieties Progressive Impulses 1 A belief in progress 2 An active role in human welfare Varieties of Progressivism 1 Anti Monopoly 2 Social Cohesion 3 Faith in knowledge Scientific Approach 1 Political Goal Renew the vigor of democratic institution to overthrow city bosses political machines consumers 2 Economic Goal Big Business to public control protect farmers laborers and 3 Social goal Advance notion that individuals counted as much as the group Key Terms Events Individuals Industrialization Second Industrial Revolution why o Creation of modern transportation communication systems o Electrical Power o Scientific research to industrial processes Problems of Monopoly o The price fixing Secretly charging artificial secret pools o Instability Workforce society o Endangered Freedom How did corporations big business grow New machines technology Monopoly Limited Liability What you invest is what you lose Selling shares of stock Cornelius Vanderbilt Railroads Power Wealth How Consolidations Manipulations Bribes Andrew Carnegie Steel Master the industries Wealth Continuous Innovation How Horizontal and Vertical Integration J P Morgan U S Steel Banking Order Stability Power Wealth How Mergers and Consolidations John D Rockefeller Oil Monopolize the oil industry Eliminate competition Order Wealth How Horizontal and Vertical Integration Justifications used by corporate giants Philanthropy Gospel of Wealth Social Darwinism Natural Selection Darwinism Laissez Faire Single Corporation to control all stages of manufacturing from obtaining raw materials to marketing the finished product Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration A single corporation through consolidation measure to gain board control over all manufacturing of a particular product Trust Holding company Trust a system whereby stock of several competing companies were placed under control of a group of trustees in exchange for trustee certificates Holding company A company that owed a majority of the stock in a number of subsidiary corporations and was established for the purpose of maintaining unified control Social Darwinism Laws of evolution in regards to humans Survival of the fittest applied to society Gospel of Wealth Help the poor to help themselves Use your money to help others it s the riches responsibility Eased social tensions Promote the idea of progress Labor Wages Working Conditions factors o They were subjected to boom and bust cycles o Technological innovations o The pace of working conditions in factories o Loss of control subject to corporate rules Labor Unions impact Labor unions and strikes are associated with Anarchism Social Chaos Violence Labor Union Failures WHY Unions represented only a small of all workers in the U S Ethnic and Racial divisions The shifting nature of the work force itself Corporate strength Great Railroad Strike 1877 Many railroad workers went on strike in response to wage cuts Eventually President Hayes sent in troops to put the strikers down Haymarket Square A rally that turned to violence when a person in the crowd threw a bomb and killed a police officer The leaders of the rally were held responsible They were tried and four of them were given the death sentence Battle between strikers and private security agents hired by the factory s Strike by the American Railway Union Members shut down major railways in sympathy with striking workers in Pullman Illinois ended with intervention of federal troops Homestead Strike management Pullman Strike Immigration Old vs New immigrants Old Immigrants Prior to 1880 s o British Isles Germany Western Europe o WASPS Protestants o Educated Could read and write New Immigrants After 1880 s o Southern Eastern Europe Italians Slavs Greeks Poles o Catholics Jews o Religious Ethnic Diversity o Uneducated Could not read and write Why did they come Push Pull factors Pull Factors o The promise of good wages o The broad range of jobs o Freedom Push Factors o Overpopulation o Crop failures o Famine o Religious Persecution o Industrial depression in European cities Dillingham Commission o New Immigrants would not assimilate o New Immigrants should not be kept since they re not good enough Justified discrimination and prejudice Gilded Age characteristics Why did cities grow Technological advances Transportation innovation Immigration Politics key theme State City Governments Most political activity occurred at the state and local level Federal Government was insignificant because it was so small Political Machines City Bosses why reasons Why Political Machines o A product of a power vacuum o The voting power of immigrants o Power profit through graft and corruption Why Retained Power o Control of immigrant votes o Connection with upper classes and elites o Weakness of city government themselves Federal Government key themes key factors Main Idea Laissez Faire Republicans characteristics Northeast Pennsylvania Grand Army of The Republic WASP Middle Class Favor Big Business Railroads Tariffs Gold Democrats characteristics South large northern cities
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