DESIGN Design is ALL around us In a theater you expect things a certain way visual codes o This happens in real life as well o We make judgments based on what we see or experience with other people o Ex Sexy clothing Images clothing items represent something to us Lecture Gwyneth Paltrow and Paris Hilton o How do they present themselves and what does it say about them o Paris very scandalous and sexy Gwyneth very classy and muted Ex The American Flag stands for the country o Soldiers military funerals American ideals to Americans o To others it might mean a negative image oppression brutality etc o It is still an icon o Designers try to use icons to their advantage Everything done onstage is done for a reason including set clothing lighting etc o The person who creates the space you re in within the theatre Theatre Cryptography o Conveys a message Set or scenic design Costume design Lighting design Sound design o What the characters wear o Colors shapes flashing etc of lights o Music sound effects etc How do all of these create meaning VIDEO Julie Taymor The Lion King The Lion King was the first theatrical experience for a lot of the young generation She was very involved in the directing and acting First woman to win a Tony She also designed many aspects of the show like costumes and set Very detailed and tribal looking HOW DOES DESIGN FUNCTION IN THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS WHAT MUST A DESIGNER DEAL WITH An Effective Design has to o Set the mood tone o Function The audience won t see the actors first they will see the set the set should prepare the audience for the world of the play with visuals Has to do many things has to allow the show to happen ex A lot of combat may happen so the stage should be set for that to happen a wedding scene must occur so the bride must be able to make a grand entrance Ex Titanic the boat was supposed to sink and many nights it didn t this creates a fundamental disconnect between the world of the play and what was happening on stage Also has to support the production concept the director and playwright s visions Has to meet the budget often a design must be simplified to meet a budget this is a huge problem in theatre because there is a very limited budget VIDEO SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE by Stephen Sondheim Based around a painting Features two big actors Mandy Patinkin Bernadette Peters George begins with a blank canvas essentially the blank theatre as a whole as he paints he creates the set onstage As he speaks sings set pieces are revealed He brings in the actress to draw and they talk TYPES OF STAGE SHAPES Can be a limiting factor Proscenium Stage o Has a proscenium arch which is the large opening on the stage through which the audience views the productions also known as Picture Frame Stage o Audience sits on one side the front o One of the most popular types o Good for big spectacle shows and big elaborate sets o Also good for storing set pieces off stage in the wings the sides that are covered by curtains o Can have large groups of people onstage and not block the audience s view o Weakness the lack of intimacy between the actor and the audience Creates an imaginary fourth wall making it harder for a connection Thrust Stage o Has the audience on three sides o Has a better connection because the actors are in the middle of the audience o Weakness can potentially block people in the audience from view actors backs will often be turned to at least one section of the audience can t have a huge set or a lot of spectacle o A good middle ground stage Arena Stage o Theatre in the round o Audience on all sides o The audience and actors can easily make connections actors have to enter from the audience so the audience feels more included in the show o Audience members can see other audience members which can affect viewing experience o Weakness can t have much of a set because big chunks of audience will be blocked also the actors backs will ALWAYS be turned towards part of the audience o Must be a very small cast Black Box Theaters o Very flexible o Can be designed as any stage shape o Many theatre companies include a black box theater in their designs o Weakness can t create as much spectacle due to smaller size not much wing space portable space less comfortable audience chairs etc VIDEO CLIP Chicago Cell Block Tango Just watch it It s worth it WHAT IS THE DESIGN PROCESS Planning different o Concept meeting o Designer must READ the play respond Don t use another s design because your interpretation could be Includes interpretation physical location activity etc The production team and director are in attendance Explore possibilities what can be done Define limitations resources budget etc how many people do they have to perform various tasks Etc Museums books historical clothing and locations season geography Not just in books often need to experience the design such as in time o Research etc period pieces o Preliminary Designs o Models Renderings Sketches basic costume renderings etc very basic Take something very visual out of designer s head and into a concrete form to show the crew especially the director so discussions can begin about functionality and feasibility Things are more cemented Detailed costumed renderings fabric swatches use of colors etc Very detailed and precise to really show director and crew exactly what 3D models of set designs the design will look like on a stage Building o Final Designs o Involves a LOT of people Technical Director In charge of figuring out all aspects of the realization of the design the go between between the designer and the builders Costume Shop Manager In charge of costumes and makes sure everyone has all required items Properties Mananger Prop In charge of all props items used on stage Specialty personnel Hang Focus Crew Wigmakers make up artists jewelers painters etc Lighting crew focus lights and hang the lights on top of the stage MANY lights involved in shows Stage Manager runs the show Calling Cues If a light needs to shift or change if a soundtrack needs to be played or stopped if a set needs to be moved etc SM calls the cues Build and Run Crews Do all technical changes and make sure shows actually work Work in contact with stage managers Very involved once the technical aspects begin o Adjust o Technical Rehearsals Everyone involved adjusts to the show and working cooperatively to make the show work Integrate the acting and the technical aspects lighting sound set etc Often grueling for the
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