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Running head WINDSHIELD SURVEY PRESENTATION ACTION PLAN 1 Windshield Survey presentation Action Plan Kristal Brown Maria Eubanks Shannon Huewitt Claribel Michel HCS 457 Health Care Management September 29 2014 Jeffrey Rhoades WINDSHIELD SURVEY PRESENTATION ACTION PLAN 2 Windshield Survey Presentation Action Plan Learning Team C has come together as a team and made the decision to present our presentation on Type 2 diabetes LT C will incorporate drafts that will be used in the week five presentation Each week a team leader has been appointed to make sure that objectives are being met work is being turned in on time and that the input provided flows to create a cohesive finished product LT C has team members who had experience with working with teams which was beneficial to us because they had insight as to how things should be done and were able to offer guidance Another thing that worked well for Team C members was the ability to set and meet deadlines for turning in work editing and submitting drafts Dividing up objectives for each week allowed for all members to be held accountable for their work In this presentation LT C will create a 12 15 slide that will be divided among each team member which includes detailed speaker notes about the chosen topic we will describe demographics of the affected areas explain the effect of such issues provide the effect diabetes has on the community and it s possible causes and contributing behavior as well as environmental factors Incorporate PERI model that was created to support the epidemiological model provide the effect of the government role and level of effect provide information on the expansion of the disease Identify government structure intervention and treatment identify social and behavior effects provide resources and support identify changes anticipated over the next five years WINDSHIELD SURVEY PRESENTATION ACTION PLAN 2 The first website LT C choose is www nlm nih gov medlineplus diabetestype2 This website address the onset of insulin or noninsulin dependent diabetes and the way the body is affected It also address the many American that is affected by this disease and the damages it causes to the body organs This website explain signs and symptoms as well as prevention risk factors Complications dieting medications are also found on this site The second website LT C chose was Center for Disease Control http www cdc gov diabetes This site display each section in subcategories and give titles for individuals who is seeking information on diabetes This site address the population affected by type 2 diabetes prevention and control measures risk factors implications trends The third website LT C chose was American Diabetes Association http www diabetes org This site is support awareness prevention complications medications treatment and care WINDSHIELD SURVEY PRESENTATION ACTION PLAN 2 Learning Team C personal communication September 29 2014 References

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UOPX HCS 457 - Windshield Survey presentation Action Plan

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