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What inpatient and outpatient health care facilities exist in the U S What value do these facilities provide to community health care An In patient facility is described as a facility an individual may stay for more than a 24 hour period Some examples are hospitals and long term facilities or nursing homes skilled nursing facilities or SNF in patient facilities also include treatment for behavioral or substance abuse Historically hospitals were places providing shelter and food to the sick and keep the sick separated from the healthy people Out patient facilities are where individuals are treated in less that a 24 hour period These include doctor s offices clinics emergency rooms and diagnostic testing centers and some treatment facilities Out patient imaging and laboratories are also considered an out patient facility Many community health centers and clinics are considered out patient facilities The goal of both in patient and outpatient facilities in the U S is to provide quality care Both in and out patient facilities provide an invaluable access to health care Reference University of Phoenix 2010 Public Health 101 Chapter 10 Healthcare Institutions Retrieved from University of Phoenix HCS 457 website Response 2 The U S has hundreds of inpatient and outpatient health care facilities Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital is a 430 bed tertiary care medical center designated as a Level One Trauma Center Neurosurgery 2010 The Children s Hospital of Wisconsin is a 222 bed tertiary care facility serving as the only facility in the state caring solely for children and functions as the state s Level One pediatric trauma center Neurosurgery 2010 The fifth floor of the Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital is assigned to neurosurgery critical care acute neurosurgery neurosurgery neurology and spinal cord injury rehabilitation Neurosurgery 2010 The children s hospital provides the community with a hospital tailored for children which takes some stress off of family members The Froedtert hospital offers the community specialized doctor s that know how to handle special traumas Outpatient and Inpatient Facilities Neurosurgery http www mcw edu display docid1637 htm

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UOPX HCS 457 - What inpatient and outpatient health care facilities exist in the U.S.?

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