1 Primary Appraisal initial evaluation of whether an event is 1 irrelevant to you 2 2 Secondary Appraisal an evaluation of your coping resources and options for dealing Study Guide Exam 2 Chapters 3 4 relevant but not a threat 3 stressful with the stress 3 Frustration occurs in any situation in which the pursuit of some goal is thwarted 4 Internal Conflict The struggle that occurs when 2 or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression 5 Social Readjustment Rating Scale Holmes and Rahe developed a questionnaire called the Social Readjustment Rating Scale SRRS for identifying major stressful life events 6 Inverted U Hypothesis the proposition that performance on a task progressively improves with increases in arousal up to an optimum point beyond which further increases in arousal lead to progressive decrements in performance 7 Coping active efforts to master reduce or tolerate stressful demands 8 Burnout a syndrome involving physical emotional exhaustion and lowered self efficacy that is attributable to work related stress 9 Psychosomatic Disease defined as genuine physical ailments thought to be caused in part by stress and other psychological factors 10 Denial a defense mechanism in which the existence of unpleasant internal or external realities is kept out of conscious awareness 11 Positive Reinterpretation To interpret again or anew 12 Optimistic explanatory style general tendency to expect good outcomes 13 Approach Approach conflict A conflict in which a choice must be made between two attractive goals 14 Approach Avoidance conflict A conflict in which a choice must be made about whether to pursue a single goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects 15 Distress extreme anxiety sorrow or pain 16 Type A personality ambitious time conscious and ofter hostile 17 Type B personality relaxed less competitive than Type A slow to anger 18 Type C personality pleasant repressed and internalizes anger anxiety 19 Ambient Stress consists of chronic environmental conditions that although not urgent are negatively valued and place adaptive demands on people 20 Acute Stressor threatening events that have a relatively short duration and clear point 21 Chronic Stressor threatening events that have a relatively long duration and no 22 Life Change any noticeable alterations in ones living circumstances that require readily apparent time limit readjustment 23 Pressure expectations or demands that one behave in a certain way 24 General Adaptation Syndrome A model of the body s stress response consisting of 3 stages alarm resistance and exhaustion 25 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder enduring a psychological disturbance attributed to the experience of a major traumatic event 26 Learned Helplessness Passive behavior produced by exposure to unavoidable aversive event 27 Defense Mechanisms Largely unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt 28 Constructive Coping Efforts to deal with stressful events that are judged to be relatively healthful 29 Hostility A persistent negative attitude marked by cynical mistrusting thoughts feelings of anger and overtly aggressive actions 30 Pessimistic explanatory style general tendency to expect bad outcomes 31 Avoidance Avoidance conflict A conflict in which a choice must be made between 2 32 Stress any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten ones well being unattractive goals the experiencer and thereby tax ones coping abilities 33 Eustress moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial for 34 Hardy Personality has a large amount of commitment control and challenge 35 4 major types of stress Frustration Internal Conflict Change Pressure 36 3 types of internal conflict Approach Approach conflict Approach Avoidance conflict Avoidance Avoidance conflict 37 Fight or flight response physiological reaction to threat that mobilizes an organism for attacking fight or fleeing flight an enemy 38 Stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome 3 predictable stages the body uses to respond to stressors Stage 1 is alarm stage burst of energy Second stage is resistance stage resist or adapt Third stage is exhaustion stage energy is depleted
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