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3 19 15 1 Endosymbiosis explains origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts 2 Mitochondria do and chloroplast do Evolution of organelles is one of those key changes often small changes that make big difference Cells having organelles advantage Organization of division of labor size efficiency forms specialization bigger and more varied Prok don t have organelles Euk do Key changes Multicellularity Evolution of organelles Pollbox type of green algae colonel algae single to multi cell Multicellularity an explosion of variety of body sizes and forms introducing new evolutionary possibilities Chloroplast have there own DNA and same photosynthetic pigments as cyanobacteria Mitochondria have own ribosomes but not own nucleus 15 18 Figure What can you tell about Protista from this diagram 1 Eukaryotic so has nucleus 2 Closer to archea then bacteria 3 There are bunch and lots of different branches different from plants and animals 4 Multiple branches not monophyletic 5 Some distant from plants and animal Dinoflagellates have 2 flagella and often produce toxins red sea Many bioluminescent habitats largest types Diatoms have silica call walls glass abundant in all moist Brown algae are large multicellular protists Kelps are Red algae has photosynthetic pigments that absorb Green algae diverse group with many similarities to land plants Chlorophyll in ocean bc of chloroplast and algae Earths oxygen from plant and algae Phytoplankton plant like single celled organism Basis of biological productivity in ocean Heterotrophic live off other organisms Autotrophic make own food plants bacteria some algae protists

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Ole Miss BISC 104 - Endosymbiosis

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