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MGMT FINAL EXAM CHAPTER 9 CULTURE INNOVATION CHANGE Managers must 1 develop culture 2 encourage innovation 3 manage change CULTURE Culture is Personal Culture is Organizational System of shared beliefs values guiding behavior internal Set of signals of what is considered appropriate vs inappropriate external What are aspects of Penn State culture The way we do things here observed campus dress international sports tness leaders actions classes technology dating career stuff speakers orgs thon core academics grades code of conduct integrity We Are quality education accreditation rules alma mater Culture is Corporate Personality of organization Shaping attitudes reinforcing beliefs directing behaviors setting expectations KPMG Study most mergers acquisitions don t add value bc not understanding Culture is Global culture Iceberg of Culture Above water line Subculture Academic type level Functional ex marketing ex geographic ethnic club political tness style etc Below water line Observed culture Visible dress of ce symbols slogans Heroes Rites Rituals Symbols Stories Core culture Invisible what people say about one s self Values or Beliefs about right ways to behave Heroes Cultural Bene ts Shared knowledge of her stories Establish or represent core values Avg every day employee is a hero just like CEO Can come from any level of org past or present Ex Same Walton of Walmart can t have a Walmart meeting w out discussing Walt s values Rites Rituals Cultural Bene ts Ex Pixar Video culture of collaboration celebration of heroes events Creates connections people org Builds morale engagement Shared hands on experiences displaying core values Common understanding of culture Easy to recognize Symbols Cultural Bene ts Language and symbols conveying core values Ex Tony the Tiger Kellogg s Nittany Lions Joe Paterno Penn State Cultural Bene ts Stories Easily remembered passed on Instills deeper cultural understanding Connected w heroes Ex KFC guy lives on in stories INNOVATION Process of taking a new idea putting it into practices Process Innovation Six Sigma Process Improvement Lean Principles Reduction of Waste ex Gulfstream reduction in cost increased turn around cycle increase in output better customer satisfaction Product Innovation ex Vending Machines adding credit card reader sales increase 20 literally change how we see world creation of new or improved goods services ex Predator Drones Phantom Vision Plus Drones pros search rescue cooler version of go pro cons safety privacy technology advances before ethics Business Model Innovation taking exactly what doing now changing the form model ex Blockbuster bought buy Dish for movies online on demand ex Instagram changed model of photos by Sustainability Innovation similar to process innovation Zero Waste reduces carbon footprint of organization or its products Commercialization selling innovation 1 2 3 Organizational Protocols Supporting Innovation process of taking a product idea from inception to market Teracycle Tom Zacky uses waste as a raw material Post It Notes Super soaker Launey Strategy Includes Innovation Culture Values Innovation Staf ng For Creativity Innovation Structure Supports Innovation Management Supports Innovation CHANGE Personal Organizational To make the form nature content future course etc of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone Who Moved My Cheese Cheese Something prodding of interest to you Change Allegory Move to new cheese When you change what you believe about current situation not core beliefs you change what you do Impact of change on people Fear of the unknown Loss of control loss of con dence work overload loss of face disrupted habits lack purpose Denial Anger Bargain Depression Acceptance Move On Axis of graph Motivation Performance on y axis Time on x axis Devalued what scouts were doing Used statistics to nd players who got on base 2 Types of Change Transformational Incremental Transformational Death Dying Grief Change Model MoneyBall Trailer org is really in trouble What is a burning platform business model is imploding IBM International Business Machines Lou Gerstner hired to end IBM thought sum of parts than whole decided to change was successful Hostess Twinkies Services Provider PC s Main Frame Computers Software Development unsuccessful change if you can t make transformational change brand dies shelf life of sealed Twinkie 45 days Incremental day to day process improvement 6 Sigma Lean principles ex 1 000 small changes everyday Toyota Kazan Change Process Kurt Lewin Model 1 Unfreeze create a need for change 2 Change implement manage the process of change 3 Refreezing stabilize the change scan for the future Monster change issue is Timing 2nd is communication Change is driven by opportunities and threats Approaches to Change Change Drivers Con dent of Ability Willing to Take Risks Seize Opportunities Expect Surprise Make Things Happen Status Quo Holders Threatened by Change Bothered by Uncertainty Prefer Predictability Support Status Quo Wait for Things to Happen Strategies why we resist change Forced Coercion rational persuasion shared power CHAPTER 10 HUMAN RESOURCES HR BASICS In a workplace 1 Cost to Reduce 2 Asset to develop People are an Asset Human Capital 1 Capital Economic Value of Employees skills knowledge SHRM Society for Human Resources Management Strategic HRM Aligns Human Capital w organizational strategy 3 Functions of HRM HRM Building Maintaining of a Quality Workforce TALENT MGMT 1 Attracting recruiting a Asses Need De ne Job b Recruiting Strategy Implementation 1 thing to attract talent gure out exactly what it is needed 65 internal referral 1 way hire people you know like 35 external referral Job technical Organization cultural Fit c Candidate Selection Offer Process imputing In Depth Interviewing screening Technical Personality Testing reliable valid on core charactristic Real Time or Simulated Actual Work Background Checks Assessment Centers bunch of interview type things 2 Developing compensation training bene ts etc ASTD American Society for Training and Development a Orientation Socialization on boarding b Training Experiences one might need to go up in org c Coaching Mentoring both formal informal US Training Spending 171 5 Billion Avg Employee 1 228 Avg Hours Employee 32 hours Coaching working w a manager to develop personal business Mentoring assigning an early career employee to a senior manager competencies in a holistic manner for

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