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Development Age Classifications Infancy and toddlerhood birth 2 years Early childhood Middle childhood Adolescence Emerging adulthood Young adulthood Middle adulthood Late adulthood 2 6 years 6 11 years 11 18 years 18 26 years 26 40 years 40 65 years 65 years Cycle of Science Theory a set of assumptions that attempt to describe predict or explain a phenomenon Correlational Research the goal is to describe the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables Ex is there a relationship between the amount of conflict in a marriage and the marriage ending in divorce Result correlation coefficient that ranges in value from 1 00 to 1 00 Strength the size of the correlation 0 2 weak 0 4 moderate 0 9 strong Direction the sign of the correlation o Positive as one variable increases the other increases o Negative as one variable increases the other decreases Correlation does NOT equal causation Research question is there a relationship between x and y Hypothesis states an expected relationship Developmental Design interested in the relationship between the age of the subject and another variable Cross Sectional Design individuals of different ages are compared on a particular variable at one point in time Advantages saves time and money Disadvantages Cohort Effects results may be due to subjects membership in a particular generation Longitual Design the same individuals are studied over an extended period of time Psychoanalytic Theory of Freud Development is directed by the interaction of nature drives and instincts and nurture early experience primarily parents ID present at birth our basic instinct to seek pleasure and avoid pain to express the self Superego in place by 3 6 years old constraints placed upon child by parents and the demands of society Ego begins to form in infancy the way in which we cope with our instinctual drives ID and the demands made by parents and society superego Internal Conflict anxiety that results from a struggle between biological demands and societal expectations Ex Bullies are getting bullied at home perfectionists could never please their parents etc Erikson s Psychosocial Theory of Development Erikson s psychosocial theory of development includes notions of the lifespan perspective Life long development Contextualism Plasticity Multidimensionality Multidirectionality There are specific periods during a lifespan during which we are confronted with a unique problem called a psychosocial crisis Once a resolution of the crisis is reached the individual develops are particular orientation toward life STAGES 1 Trust vs Mistrust birth 18 months Can I trust Are my needs being met Is the world a safe place Baby will cry and fuss if they need something Parent must reacted consistently and sensitively in a timely manner 2 Autonomy vs Shame 18 months 3 years Can I do it myself Can I walk Can I throw that ball Can I go potty by myself Being autonomous means being separate from your parents and realizing that your actions will have an affect on others 3 Initiative vs Guilt 4 5 years What can I do What else can I do Trying to do everything by yourself curiosity yes you can do it now lets see what else you can do Parents must allow children to fail in order for them to learn 4 Industry vs Inferiority 6 10 years Don t give up Can I keep trying Industrious problem solver perseverance 5 6 Identity vs Identity Confusion 11 22 years Who am I Who am I morally Who am I sexually Etc A lot of who you are in the earlier years have to do with what your parents taught you Intimacy vs Isolation 22 35 years How do I love How do I feel loved Intimacy connecting with other people friends family significant other etc and being your true self around other people 7 Generativity vs Self Absorption middle adulthood What am I giving back What am I going to leave behind when I am gone What am I creating Things that make people feel generative family helping around the community job especially teacher healthcare etc 8 Integrity vs Despair late adulthood old age What kind of life have I lived Did I live a life where I was true to myself and others 9 Hope and Faith vs Despair old age old old age I m ready to go I ve had a great life Despair can also be anger Characteristics of Psychosocial Crises 1 Our attention is focused on a specific task o A 6 month old is leaning about autonomy but is focused on trust the most important task 2 The way in which a task is resolved will have an effect on subsequent tasks o If you don t find trust in the world then you wont want to face it 3 Resolution is NOT an all or nothing matter o No one is completely trusting mistrusting You never know exactly who you are rest of his life 4 Crisis is not a time of disaster o An infant who is seriously neglected might have disastrous results for the 5 The attitude we have acquired can be challenged at a later time o Very trusting then you get cheated on which makes you mistrust people 6 The attitudes we acquire form a basic orientation toward the interpretation of life experiences What you believe is what you see FOUR PHASES OF ATTACHMENT Infants instinctually attach to any adult whether it be parents siblings or Phase 1 Birth 2 months grandparents Phase 2 3 6 months Phase 3 7 24 months Infants begin to direct their attachment to their primary caregiver This is the key stage for attachment to occur toward an individual Infacts begin to specifically seek contact with their caregivers mothers are generally preferred Phase 4 24 months Children become comfortable with receiving care from familiar others ATTACHMENT CATEGORIES 2 1 1 Securely attached about 60 of children use mother as secure base exhibit distress at mother leaving and stop explorations and seek contact during reunion Insecurely attached avoidant about 20 rarely cry during separation and avoid mother at reunion indifferent to or dislike physical contact a Mom has been insensitive baby has learned that this person is not a source of comfort Insecurely attached ambivalent about 10 intensely distressed by separation yet during reunion they seemed to be ambivalent toward mother sought contact and pushed mother away resistant a Upset when mother leaves but pushes mother away when she returns doesn t trust her 2 Insecurely attached disorganized show confusion as main response to conditions a Baby that froze and screamed in the video often caused by helicopter parents abuse and neglect Secure kids less dependent on teachers in preschool more cooperative

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PSU HDFS 129 - Development Age Classifications

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