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Chapter 9 Culture Innovation and Change MGMT 301 Exam 4 Zappos o Culture o Themes Core values are the foundation on culture How people will be treated Observational Values are written down around work environment o Trying to change downtown old Vegas o Observational and core Managers Must o Develop culture o Encourage innovation constantly refreshing o Manage change change comes with innovation Culture is o Personal Cultural fit has the biggest impact on people and 1 reason for leaving their job System of shared beliefs values guiding behavior internal Set of signals of what is considered appropriate vs inappropriate external Structure Symbols Thinking Acting Behavior o Organizational Observed what can I see Core what is said Aspects of Penn State Culture Academics Code of Conduct We Are Rules Alma Mater Campus Dress International Sports Fitness Leader s Actions Classes Technology Dating Career Organizations o Corporate Corporate Culture Shape Attitude Reinforce Beliefs Direct Behavior Set Expectations Example Disney o Culture is embedded o During onboarding session Mickey shows up o cast members not employees KPMG o Only 17 of mergers produce value o Mergers don t work because of Bankers Lawyers Consultants Government Officials But Culture o Global Sub Cultures Academic Functional Geographic Urban Rural Ethnic Club Political Religious Fitness Style o Above Below the Waterline Observed Visible Stories No matter what you do in the company you have to fit the culture o Dave Thomas Wendy s o Harland Sanders KFC o Cultural Benefits Easily remembered and past on Instills deep cultural understanding Heroes o Sam Walton Wal Mart o Ken Frazier Merck o Walt Disney o Meg Witman HP o Indra Naoyi Pespsico o Ursual Burns Xerox o Cultural Benefits Shared knowledge of a hero s stories Established or represent core values Symbols o Thurl Ravenscroft voice of Tony the Tiger o Cultural Benefits Common understanding of culture Easy to recognize Rites Rituals o Zappos finance department performing random acts of o Pixar decoration room signing walls activities in atrium free kindness food guest speakers o Cultural Benefits Creates connections people to the organization Builds morale and engagement Shared hands on experiences Invisible Core Driving the company more than observed At the center of everything Code of Conduct core Innovation o Example 3 D Printing o Taking a new idea and putting it into practice o Translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value need or want for which customers will pay o Process Reduction in cost Increased turn around TAKT Increase in output Better customer satisfaction Lean Principles Reduction of Waste Six Sigma Process Improvement Example Nick D Aloisio Sold an app to Yahoo for 30 million App for managing text similar to Flipboard o Product Example Gulfstream Example Vending Machines Largest category Every company trying to do this Example drones Military to commercialized Example iPad o Business Model Change in some way in the approach to making money Example Instagram Problem centric o Beauty o Speed o Distribution o Sustainability Form of process Example Tom Szaky TerraCycle Upcycle keep it in its form Recycle new form o Commercialization Selling innovation Taking innovation to market Example Lonnie Johnson o How do you get it to market Post it Notes o 1st time on market failed o 2nd time put marketing into it and succeeded TerraCycle Negative Cost Marketing o 0 on marketing o All in house videos o Interviews with news o Don t spend money but get money back iPad Apple Watch o Organizational Protocols Supporting Innovation with 3M Strategy Management Include innovation 30 of revenues go towards new products Support innovation 6 devoted to research and development Structure Culture Staffing Support innovation Everybody can pull from forums Values innovation 1 day a week every person can work on something else For creativity and innovation Through recruiting Change o Elizabeth Kubler Ross x axis time y axis motivation performance After acceptance MOVE ON which makes it the change model o To make the form nature content or the future course of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone o Driven by opportunities and threats o Example Moneyball Process changing small things to make you better Need for change Push back of change Innovations of baseball Opportunity of threat exists o Transformational o Incremental Day to day o Example IBM Need to change or die Transformational change Changed strategy Cut cost Changed culture o Example Hostess Bankruptcy Kept all legal contracts Didn t change but should have o Process Kurt Lewin Model Unfreeze create a need for change Change implement and manage the process of change Refreezing stabilize the change and scan for the future o Approaches Change Drivers Confident of ability Willing to take risks Seize opportunities Expect surprise Make things happen Status Quo Holders Threatened by change Bothered by uncertainty Prefer predictability Support status quo Wait for things to happen o Who Moved My Cheese Chapter 10 Human Resources When you look at people in the work place what do you see o A cost to reduce o An asset to develop o Seen both ways Human Capital economic value of employees skills and knowledge Strategic Human Resources Management align human capital with strategy of the organization SHRM o Society for Human Resource Management o Large government body for all things HR trade standpoint o Help adapt to change o next HR The building and maintaining of a quality workforce Three functions o Attracting Recruiting and selection 3 Steps Asses need and define job Recruiting strategy and implementation Candidate selection and other process How Companies Recruit 35 All External 65 Internal and Referral Going through temporary organizations to get a job 10 of externals are through referrals Example J J Define job requirements and assess talent needs Gold leadership development program for new talent Job and Organizational Fit Screening to make sure the candidate is a good fit Core skills and values Do you fit the culture Selection Methods In depth interviewing screening Technical and personality testing Real time or simulated actual work Background checks drug credit Assessment centers o Developing 4 Elements Orientations Socialization Training and Experiences o What do you need to have at each point in your career o Different rotations different experiences at different

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PSU MGMT 301 - Chapter 9: Culture, Innovation, and Change

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