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Chapter 8 Structure o Structure Anything composed of parts arranged together in some way o Organizing Arranging tasks people and other resources to accomplish work 3 Elements Divide Work Arrange Resources Coordinate Activities o Google and Structure video created offsite has staff meetings has quarterly objectives which they review had financial system that did not work so they had to replace it Company was working well just needed a little list making and structure Informal o Formal Birds shiting CEO on VPs VPs on managers managers on the rest o Org Charts Provide Division of work chain of command span of control communication flow major units staff vs line levels of management XEROX o Staff v Line manufacturing etc Line Responsible for core business functions development selling and Staff Important but do not directly bring in revenue accounting HR Legal o Michael Dell Restructuring Dell had to many people reporting directly to the CEO so they grouped things together in order to simplify o Social Network Analysis Informal Asks people who they turn to for help and creates a map connecting form person to person showing who each person turns to Can be used to see who the key people are for mentoring and leadership roles o 5 types of structure Functional Divisional Matrix Team Network Functional o Functional CEO VPs Line Staff workers Splits up by function marketing finance Divisional are most common etc Career Paths Pros Economies of Scale Broad Expertise Training for Skill Functional Cons Chimneys Silos A function only operates in best self interest o Divisional Structure Splits up by product then function Pros Focused experts better coordination increased accountability can grow shrink easier Cons Can be costly can cause unhealthy rivalries amongst divisions o Matrix Structure Combines functional and divisional Pros Accountability Better Communication Teams Solve Issues Top Management Focused on Strategy Cons Every person has two bosses o Team Structure Creates many permanent or temporary teams Pros Improves communication cooperation decisions stronger Cons Takes time depends on how well team is managed and how well team o Network Structure Uses strategic alliances and outsourcing Oprah everyone gets a relationships members get along car Pros Lower costs better access to expertise due to increased use of experts easy to grow shrink w market conditions Cons If one part fails the whole thing does to many moving parts o Flat vs Tall Taller by adding more levels of management taller are generally less flexible efficient When an organization gets flatter span of control gets wider meaning managers supervise more people o Centralized v Decentralized Centralization is when top level makes all decisions and lower levels just carry them out Decentralized is when lower levels are allowed to make decisions on things where they are more informed than upper levels Chapter 11 Leadership o Know Leader Manager slide o Leadership When one individual influences a group of individuals to want to reach big goals o 3 R s Right Experiences Right Training Right Attitude o Managerial Power Position Power Personal Power o Personal and Position Power Position Reward carrot Coercion sticks Legitimate Personal Expert Referent James Franklin o Visionary Leaders Jack Welch GE CEO Need a strong vision to rally around needs to be simple attainable and repeat it over and over again o Gardner s Leader Traits Physical Vitality Accept Responsibility Understand Others Achievement Need Courage Decisive Assertive Intelligence Task Competence People Skill Motivate Others Trustworthy Self Confidence Flexible o Center for Creative Leadership Competencies Leading Self Ethics Integrity Drive Purpose Demo Stature Learning Capacity Mgmt You Self Awareness Adaptability Leading Others Communicate Develop Others Diversity Culture Relationships Mgmt Teams Leading the Organization Mgmt Change Decision Making Mgmt Politics Risk Taking Setting Vision Business Skills Manage the Work o Behavioral Leadership Types Human Relations High concern for people low concern for task Laissez Faire Low people low task Democratic High people high task Autocratic Low people high task KNOW SCALE o Contingency Leadership Remember the Titans Gettysburg scene Fiedler Approach LPC leadership styles Task is low LPC relationship is high LPC match style with situation Good Relationship leads to structured tasks and strong position power LPC Model o Hersey Blanchard Situational Approach Participating Able unwilling low confidence High support required low guidance required Selling Unable willing confident high support high guidance Telling Unable unwilling low confidence high guidance low support Delegating Able willing confident low everything Telling New Recruit freshman soph Selling 1 2 years Smeal Major classes Participating Starting Role Grad School Delegating Seasoned Manager Ph D o Transformational Approach focuses on individual and each person becomes be better o IQ TQ EQ Chapter 12 Individual Behavior o Perception How people receive and interpret information form their environment o Berlo s Communication Approach Source Encodes Message Content Structure Channel Sight Sound Receiver Decodes o Stereotype o Halo Do good on 1st paper teacher thinks you re good writer all year o Selective Brain selectively looks at things Exam Q o Projection Try to project your ideas on other people Baby Boomers v Millennials o Impression Management The systematic attempt to influence how others see us o Big 5 Personality Traits Extraversion Outgoing Reserved Agreeableness Good w Others Bad w Others Conscientiousness Works Well Works Poorly Emotional Stability Steady Anxious Openness to Experience Open minded Close Minded o Personality Types Different not Wrong Energy Extraversion Introversion Information Sensing Intuition Decisions Thinking Feeling Life Work Style Judging Perceiving o Locus of Control Internal a lot is within control vs External Blame others o Stress Tension from heavy demands constraints and opportunities o Authoritarianism Degree to which a person defers authority and accepts status o Machiavellianism High Mach and Low Mach High is exploitive Low allow difference themselves to be pushed around o Self Monitoring High are learners receptive to feedback comfortable and willing to change Low are Predictable but their skillset might not reflect different seem unpredictable circumstances o Goleman IQ does not matter in the field emotional intelligence

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PSU MGMT 301 - Chapter 8 Structure

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