Absolute government power socialistic Socialism is a scale Not totally black or white All shades of gray some states are at the extreme where the government controls the land and economy this economic system is inefficient to the point that it causes the countries who use this system to collapse Some countries have some socialism social liberal democracies countries where the government provides a lot of goods and services education Germany Scandinavian countries childcare healthcare ect is free Sweden wants mother to work and will take care of children Anything that the government provides is a form of government No country in the word is totally socialistic or totally capitalistic Wealth of the Nations Adam Smith Hong Kong is the freest economy in the world Singapore is the second freest economy of the world Have to separate the economy from the political system Capitalism Freest economy black market total anarchy Totally depends on demand and supply Totally free economic market is anarchy U S has many regulations child labor laws FDA minimum wage environment protection When you want handouts you are leaning towards socialism China Open market and free economic zones 1 GDP and 1 economy Government in the 70s had free economic zones and saw when they prospered implemented it to the whole country Workers were forced to work 18 hours a day go back to a dorm with 20 people and many people committed suicide Chinese do not trust their food can t use toothpaste or milk powder Human nature greed Major argument against capitalism North and South China has a life expectancy difference of 4 years China polluting the world because it is cheaper North has more pollution We have cleaner rivers because the EPA regulates water and pollution Multi millionaires from China get E 1 visas and invest in companies and are leaving China If you hate an agency stop funding the agencies but they are less effective or to regulate You want to maximize profits and growth Problem for capitalism In many cases when you are efficient in terms of money but you have many inefficiencies Volkswagen lies because of greed Also leaves the people who are not educated and in poverty out of the picture and unable to get help and left behind Socialism For labor in a market system In capitalism labor is cheap In socialism when everything is divided equally you will make the same if you work 10 hours a day as someone who works 3 years a day Production will go down if you lose incentive to work hard Pros and cons to both ends Highly socialistic Western Europe Scandanavian U S we have a balanced system where if you want to go to private school you can Healthcare was highly capitalistic now heathcare has moved slightly to the left towards socialism Many western countries have universal healthcare Immigrants are no longer white because they have universal healthcare Role of Government in Society Anarchy Absolute freedom Can t provide absolute freedom in land of congestion Impose rules to regulate behavior for a better and more protected society You want order we aren t fully to the left or right but more in the shade of gray in many different areas Democracy free and fair elections freedom of press freedom of speech and behavior clothing marriage ect When you support a social issue it is between freedom and order More towards the left is anarchy more towards the right is order women can t drive in Saudi Arabia because their society will be havoc if you give women independence Political ideology SKIPPED CLASS Libertarian social liberal fiscal conservative Voters Calling Themselves Liberal 1988 99 Even in the most liberal states there were more conservatives You have more people calling themselves conservatives than liberal in 1988 99 Negative correlation more liberals less conservatives and vise versa Very few people just call themselves liberal and conservatives which is why the percents don t equal 100 Huge chunk of the population call themselves moderate 2012 r is stronger Alabama 64 pop claims ideology Most conservative state in the nation Mississippi second most conservative state TX is about 17 18 of liberals where conservatives are 40 44 Liberal stays the same number of conservatives stay the same More conservatives in this country Massachusetts had much more conservatives than liberals MA now has increased conservatives but 32 of pop calling themselves liberal We have 3 states that now have more liberals than conservatives MA RI VT Conservatism is claiming more people once you live in a conservative state more people are claiming conservatism spreading ideology extremely well Texas 49 of seats in the House a lot of people who call themselves conservatives vote for democrats Moderates also vote for democrats This tells us that a lot of people are lining their ideologies with their political parties Number of people hold onto the democratic party African Americans and Hispanics are religious and we assume they will call themselves liberal but party ideology do not complement each other and they will align with conservatives Party Control May have a governor that is a democrat but legislative branch is republican Republicans have more control of the states and in Congress Democrats are in control of only a few states and the others are republican controlled When you have more democrats in the state you will have more seats in the state house If you have more republicans you will have more republicans in the state house Party identification is very important in voting If you call yourself a republican you will vote for that party More democrats in state more democratic senators Party Control of Legislature and Governor Nebraska is nonpartisan doesn t declare itself democratic or republican City elections school boards are nonpartisan NE is a unicameral state has one chamber In TX we have house and senate NE pop is small so they don t need two chambers Institutional differences among the States Insititutions in the states are run differently Length of sessions in state legislature Voting methods how you select your voting procedures Bills submitted and length of Regular Legislature Texas Bianual once every 2 years Legislature meet no more than 140 days More bills if you meet longer proposals that legislatures want to make into law People who created the constitution didn t want so many bills and laws 1775 land of empty spaces and didn t need so many regulations MI are meeting more than other states but pass less bills Bills
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