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South East Asia Trade and trade goods Silk Road Spices religious ideas Buddhism non theism based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Eight Fold Path Nirvana Confucianism non theism ethical philosophical system state religion of Song Dynasty Civil Service Exam anyone was eligible certain score garnered role in society Scholar Official new social class teachers tax collectors Spread of Islam Silk Road Conquest of Iberia and other parts of Europe Hinduism oldest religion different branches and teachings caste system connections to political institutions karma Zheng He explorer Treasure Fleet non violent due to sheer power goals reestablish Chinese tribute system control trade in Indian ocean Isolationism turning inward resist outer intervention outsiders were believed to bring bad luck The Great Divergence Protestant work ethic geography politics military economics lassie fair Reformation and Thirty Years War Preconditions Major Figures Papal Schism Church corruption John Wycliffe Lollard monk logic Jan Hus Hussites wanted to reform the Church supported the wrong Pope Council of Constance Martin Luther 95 Thesis against indulgences believed priests could get married believed common folk should be able to read the Bible Ulrich Zwingli Switzerland Movement aligned himself w other reform states John Calvin Henry VII predestination focus on education split from the church head of the Church of England abolished tithe tax to the church Catholic Response Crusades Burnings Debates Inquisitions Consequences Religious Council of Trent stops the selling of indulgences power of Catholicism is greatly deteriorated many different sects decentralization future alliances and trade agreements Political Philosophical Humanism logic and reasoning education fashion Protestant work ethic The Thirty Years War Origins Ferdinand II extremely disliked Protestantism Treaty of Augsburg German princes able to determine the religion of their subjects Bohemian Revolt seen as a reversal of the Treaty of Augsburg leads to intervention by other countries battle disease against civilians personal economical agricultural Violence Warfare mostly fought by peasants size of battle grows exponentially best way to win have more troops Albrecht von Wallenstein bohemian noble catholic major mercenary power military leader fired by emperor assassinated Peace of Westphalia France benefitted tremendously Resolution conflicts not resolved Germany more decentralized Dutch form their own independent state Holy Roman Empire becomes a pawn of European politics Rise of Empires Mercantilism macroeconomic system evaluated and controlled on the state level land and people must be productive gold and silver exports are prohibited imports are discouraged Colonialism Triangular Trade acquiring full or partial political control over another country occupying it with settlers exploiting it economically raw materials from America to Europe manufactured goods are produced in Europe goods are traded to Africa for slaves slaves are sent to America most slaves coming from West Africa Slavery Slave Trade Navy chattel slavery ownership dynamic military revolution stereotypes emphasis on building bigger ships Piracy impressment small ships fast and maneuverable after merchant vessels pirate code democratic equal share former sailors runaway slaves ex soldiers Pirates and Privateers Black Beard Ann Bonnie Captain Morgan privateer Bourgeoisie wealthy stratum of the middle class characterized by ownership of capital many different families feuds coups Louis XIV House of Bourbon supporter of the Arts Versailles Moliere beautiful palace French playwright and actor master of comedy satire Peter the Great Westernization process whereby societies come under or adopt Western culture Warm water ports a port where the water does not freeze in wintertime formal list of positions and ranks in the military government and court of form of absolute monarchy inspired by the Enlightenment patron of the arts successful military campaign in Seven Years War Russia St Petersburg founded by Peter the Great became new Russian capital Table of Ranks Imperial Russia Friedrich Frederick the Great King of Prussia composer enlightened absolutism Sans Souci summer palace of Frederick the Great The Prussian army feared well trained professional Enlightened Despotism Atlantic World exploration empires columbian exchange absolute monarchs pursued legal social and educational reforms inspired by the Enlightenment War of Austrian Succession the Seven Years War the theory that Germany took a special path towards modernity autocracy bureaucracy aristocracy migration and slavery shared culture and experiences revolutions Maria Theresa Austrian legitimacy is challenged legal reform religious begot legal reform The Rise of Prussia sonderweg Divine Right inherited titles conquest democracy The War of Austrian Succession fought over Maria Theresa s legitimacy spreads thought to be a short war Alliances and alliance networks drags multiple countries into conflict The Seven Years War The French Indian War North American Theatre minor territorial boundary disputes French are hopelessly out numbered against British British have the Royal Navy great advantage Natives least understood participants of the war allied with both sides objectives protect territory and trade interest The War in Europe Prussia attacked by many countries Fredrick able to fend them off The War in India British East India Company joint stock company monopoly on trade w India allowed to hire soldiers tax acquire lands and wage wars French East India Company royally controlled set up by Louie IVX focus on missionary work problem with corruption 1763 Treaty of Paris France loses North American colonies France retains colonies in Caribbean Britain and Spain gain colonies Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution Philosophes and philosophers Who Where middle class movement career intellectuals universities salons coffee shops bars etc Thomas Hobbs The Leviathan supported authoritarian rule all men are equal individual groups give up certain rights states have an obligation John Locke Labor Theory of Property apply their labor people own themselves and any natural resources to which they government are voluntarily formed by individuals voluntary contract Jean Jacques Rousseau representative government is guff direct rule Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations father of modern capitalism Three Role of State protection justice and

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