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History 150 12 TR 12 30 13 45 Dr Christopher Thompson Polis city state The word politics came from the Greek word polis Until the United States Greece had the longest undisturbed democracy 508 322 BCE Greece o Very mountainous o Small cities o Athens was the largest city state Describes the west o Greco Roman o Judeo Christian 1 Democracy a Elections b Equality i Everyone is equal under the law c Everyone who was a citizen could run and participate in office d Constitution i Sets rules ii iii Guarantees the protection of those rights Identifies rights 2 Athenian Democracy a Direct democracy i The citizens make the laws b 43 000 people were citizens of the 350 000 residents c assembly i belong if you are a citizen 1 Considered a citizen if you are a Male b 18 years old c had to be free i not a slave d Athenian ancestry i Many people immigrated to Athens ii You had to be able to trace your family 2 Excluded if you are a Woman b Children c Slave d Immigrant ii Met about 40 times a year iii Not everyone showed up 1 About 6 000 on a good day 2 Had jobs and families to take care of iv Discuss all issues involving Athens 1 Garbage Dumps 2 Wars a Alliances b Peace treaties 3 Electing the Strategoi a 10 leaders of Athens i generals ii not paid b majority rules when voting 4 vote on stipends for government officials a so they can only work as a government official and the rich don t dominate d Council of 500 i Membership of 500 ii Meets everyday iii Made the agenda for the assembly meeting iv Follow through with assembly decisions v Were paid a stipend vi Chosen by lot 1 Like a lottery a Completely random 2 Not elected or chosen 3 Have to be over 30 4 Not chosen more than twice a One year terms e Strategoi i Commanders generals 1 For the civilians ii 10 of them iii elected by the assembly iv Don t get paid a stipend 1 Major problem v Usually very rich vi 1 year terms 1 no term limit vii Ostracism a Middle to lower class couldn t participate 1 Bribery favors for families communities 2 Can afford to take off work 1 In a crisis they would have a meeting of the assembly and vote out who was doing the worst job a At least 6 000 members must show up 2 Kicked out of Athens for 10 years and could come back after 3 Family and property were not touched or hurt 4 5 Thucydides Immediately had an election for a new Strategoi a Wrote about the Peloponnesian war b Ostracized c Wrote about it to show he wasn t terrible and the greatness of the 3 Philosophy war d Was a Strategoi a Two Greek words that mean love and wisdom knowledge b Use your ability to reason ability to think critically to solve the problems of the polis 4 Sophists a Very interesting and provocative b Agnostics i Not atheist ii Believe that you cannot know whether there are gods or not i Did not believe that absolute universal standards existed c Relativists 1 Absolute always 2 Universal everyone ii Believe what s right to some may be wrong to others FOR ALL ISSUES d People saw them as dangerous e Were teachers and taught people to think critically but the students DID believe in absolute universal standards 5 Socrates a We have none of his writings b Believed in absolute universal standards i Believed reason was the critical approach c Says to use reason to determine what s virtuous i Good values morals ii The good life 1 The only way to achieve happiness d Socratic method i Discussion based ii Push students with questions forcing them to think 6 Plato a Socrates s most famous student b Believed in power of thinking c Believed in absolute universal standards d Agreed with Socrates about reason e Believed in 2 different realities i Physical world 1 What we see live and experience 2 Imperfect version of the ideal world ii Ideal forms 1 Perfect world 7 Aristotle a Plato s most famous student b Believed in absolute universal standards c Agreed with reason d Did not believe in turning your questions over to anyone else e Did not believe in the universe of ideal forms f Believed in Observation allows analysis classification conclusion g Biologist i Discovered that whales are not fish they are mammals h Combine reason and observation Greeks Pros Democracy Language Religion Navy o Athens Good location o In the center jetted out into the sea Sparta has a military way of life Phalanx Hoplites o Infantry men Homer o Gave them values Heroism Bravery Courage Loyalty Honor Self sacrifice Cons Mountains Sparta disagreed o Hard to expand o Couldn t influence each other Lack of agriculture Distrust between city states Delian League o Everyone vs Athens Peloponnesian war o Everyone got tired of Athens s shit o Aka taking their money Romans Pros Open to outside influence Agriculture Location Topography o Mountains didn t seclude Politics Allowed people to become citizens Aqueducts Engineering Allowed diversity Cons not a unified culture lack of loyalty IMPERIAL OVERSTRETCH 1 A group of Greek city states including Athens 2 Athens pissed off the other city states by using the money that everyone had to give on temples and roads instead of the military o More difficult to control o More difficult to defend 1 Pelopanisian war a Athens vs Sparta and everyone else in all of Greece i Delian league 2 Greco Roman religions a Polytheistic i Many gods and goddesses ii Zeus Jupiter in roman was the head god iii Represent the forces of nature iv Represent human activity 1 Agriculture 2 War v Represent human traits 1 Wisdom 2 Beauty 3 Love b Immanent i Part of the world present in the world c God s had human emotion i Human beings with super powers basically d No expectation of humans being moral a One god who demands moral goodness from humans b Omnipotent 3 Ethical Monotheism c Omniscient i All powerful i All knowing 4 Common characteristics of monotheistic religions a Believe in 1 god who believes in moral conduct b Cares about humans i Doesn t use them like roman Greek gods c Communicates through words acts and deeds d Each has a holy text i Judaism 1 Torah ii Christianity 1 Bible iii Islam 1 Qur an e Believe in dualism i Dual nature a First 5 books of the old testament of the bible a Mainly new testament i Includes old testament 1 The body and soul f Believe that you can have a personal relationship w god 5 Judaism a Hebrews i About 1200 1000 BC b Rely on archeological digs to tell how they lived i Their diets houses c Two kingdoms i Kingdom of Israel ii Kingdom of Judah d Torah i How to behave 1 10 commandments a b c d …

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BSU HIST 150 - History

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