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Leviathan by Hobbes Notes I Chapter 3 a Imagination continuance of motion is responsible for the transformation of sense into thoughts imagination decaying sense i Example persistence of a vision after the eyes have been closed indicates that the ocular sensory apparatus is still in motion this motion is no longer immediate sensation but imagination II Imagination over time is the same as a memory b Chapter 13 a Humans have restless appetite to achieve power i Natural body mind ex strength wit arts ii Instrumental acquired ex riches friends reputation b Worth Measure of power in an individual c Honor a person with high worth d Manners Negotiations between power and fear ultimate goal achieving peace e Universe was set in motion by a prime mover i Unknowable by reason ii Many false religions to account for observed phenomena iii True religion conclusions drawn by proper philosophy f Natural state of mankind i Before society govt and law ii Free of artificial interferences iii Continuous war and violence death and fear iv state of nature v Reason shows a man how to escape state of nature by means of natural laws foundation for peace III Chapters 14 16 a Law of Nature vs Civil Law i Law of Nature 1 A general rule discovered through reason that affirms human self 2 preservation and condemns acts destructive to human life Inherently known by all because it can be deduced by innate mental faculties reason philosophy 1 Must be written and publicized in order to be known b Laws of Nature determined by moral philosophy ii Civil Law i First 1 The natural man in order to preserve life must seek peace because they are fulfilling their natural right to defend themselves ii Second 1 We must mutually divest ourselves of certain rights such as killing in order to escape the natural state of war 2 Mutual transfer of rights is called a contract 3 For the sake of self preservation people will give up their rights only when others are willing to do the same 4 One can never give up the right to self preservation though because that is the basis of the contract in the first place It is not simply enough to make contracts we must also keep the contracts we make 2 Human desire for power makes it appealing to break the contract 3 Foundation of justice 1 Show gratitude toward those who maintain contract 1 We must be accommodating to others for the purpose of protecting the contract and not make a big deal out of minor issues that may let the contract collapse 1 Pardon those who have committed offenses in the past 1 Punishment should be used only to correct the offender and protect the contract not as retribution 1 People shouldn t show hatred or contempt toward each other 1 Pride should be avoided 1 One should retain only rights they recognize in others 1 Equality and impartiality in judgment should be maintained at all iii Third 1 iv Fourth v Fifth vi Sixth vii Seventh viii Eighth ix Ninth x Tenth 1 Resources that cannot be divided must be shared ex rivers 1 Resources that cannot be divided or shared must be assigned by xi Eleventh times xii Twelfth xiii Thirteenth lottery xiv Fourteenth 1 Things which cannot be enjoyed in common divided must be adjudged to the first possessor and in some cases to the first born as acquired by lot 1 All men that meditate peace should be allowed safe conduct 1 Individuals who work to defend peace should be left in peace 1 Disputes should be settled by an Arbitrator 1 No one can be an arbitrator if they are self interested xv Fifteenth xvi Sixteenth xvii Seventeenth xviii Eighteenth xix Nineteenth 1 Arbitrator cannot give more weight to one testimony than another They must also take into account witness testimonies and evidence c The Contract i Two types of people 1 Natural a One whose words are their own b Authors of the contract to escape the state of nature c Contract is representative of natural people 2 Artificial a One whose words are someone else s b Because the contract symbolizes social unity and acts as a representative of natural people as a whole it fits the definition of an artificial person The Leviathan c Artificial person is a metaphor for the state as a whole Calls this the Leviathan i Despite laws of nature quest of peace and contracts made natural human hunger for power always threatens the safety of the contract ii Must be a sovereign to force people to uphold the contract iii Established by the people as part of the contract given powers to punish anyone who breaks the contract iv Operates through fear v Ruling force behind contract vi Responsible for ensuring common defense vii May be an individual or group of people viii Can do whatever necessary to protect the commonwealth IV Chapters 17 19 a The Sovereign ix All rights of the individual have been transferred to the sovereign for the protection to work but people still maintain natural right to self preservation b Ways to establish commonwealth i Acquisition c Rights of the sovereign 1 Sovereign takes control of a group of people who if they do not resist the acquisition must consent to his control 1 Natural man rises out of state of nature and establishes a leviathan ii Institution iii Both 1 Function to protect society and secure peace and have the same rights relative to their subjects i Subjects owe him loyalty ii Subjects cannot be freed of their obligation to him iii Dissenters must yield to majority when declaring a sovereign iv Sovereign cannot be put to death v Sovereign may determine what ideas are acceptable and may censor documents repugnant to peace vi Prescribes legislative rules vii Has judicial power in all controversies viii May make war and peace with other commonwealths ix May choose his counselors x Has powers to reward and punish xi Can make all civil appointments including militia xii Foundation of all true knowledge and embodied power of enforcing civil d Three types of sovereign authority peace i Monarchy 1 Power resides in one individual 2 Hobbes argues best a Interests are the same as the people because his political body is the same as the public body b Receives better counsel than aristocratic or democratic governors because he can select experts and obtain their advice in private c Policies will be more consistent d Civil war is less likely e Succession is more stable because they can choose heir and method of succession ii Aristocracy 1 Power resides in a group iii Democracy 1 Power resides in all people willing to assemble

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