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PSIO 201 Final Study Guide Try to do all questions first because the answer key may give away answers to following questions 1 What is the difference between anatomy and physiology 2 Describe the process and function of a metabolism 3 What are the 5 characteristics of living things 4 What are the hierarchal levels of structural organization of life from smallest to largest 5 Define the term homeostasis 6 True or false Most feedback loops within a body system are negative 7 What is the difference between equilibrium and steady state 8 True or false the steady state and equilibriums of a living system are generally very close together 9 What is the difference between cations and anions 10 Describe a covalent bond 11 When is the octet rule 12 Describe an ionic bond 13 Which chemical bond is the weakest 14 What is a catalyst 15 True or false a solution in which water is the solute is called an aqueous solution 16 What is pH 17 What is the purpose of a buffer system 18 What are the four pillars of the cell theory Name the Cell Structure Organelle 1 Semi permeable membrane surrounding the cell 2 The intracellular fluid 3 Site of protein synthesis 4 Where ATP is aerobically produced 5 The membranous network that transports things throughout the cells and is the site for lipid and protein synthesis 6 Packages and processes proteins 7 Digests old cell parts and debris 1 What is an amphiphilic structure and give an example of something with this structure 2 What is an alpha helix 3 What are the two proteins embedded into the plasma membrane and what is the difference between them 4 What are the 4 functions of the plasma membrane 5 Which molecules easily pass through lipid bilayer Which don t 6 Define osmosis 7 What are aquaporins used for 8 What is active transport 9 Describe the process of the Na K Pump 10 Which process are antiporters and symporters are involved in 11 What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis 12 What are the 3 aspects of the cytoskeleton and what are they made of 13 What are the various roles of the cytoskeleton 14 What is the process that takes place inside the mitochondria that produces ATP and carbon dioxide and consumes oxygen 15 What are the two types of endoplasmic reticulum structures and what s the 16 What are the 3 components of DNA 17 Which nitrogenous bases pair with each other including the one base that is difference replaced in RNA 18 What is the importance of pairing nucleotides 19 What is a codon 20 What is the process of transcription what structures are involved 21 Explain the process of translation 22 True or false Osteogenic cell develops into an osteoblast then into an osteocyte 23 True or false Osteoclasts develop from osteoblasts 24 What cells form bone matrix 25 What is calcification that happens inside the bones 26 What is bone resorption 27 True or false bone modeling and remodeling both happen at the same time 28 What is the goal for bone re modeling 29 Which bone cell detects fatigue damage 30 List and explain the steps of bone modeling 31 What are the 4 layers of cartilage within the epiphyseal plate 32 Define interstitial growth 33 Define endochondrial ossification 34 What type s of growth occurs at the epiphyseal plate 35 What is the process of enchochondral ossification 36 What is the term for an increase of growth in width in bone 37 List the steps of which osteons are added to the periosteal of bone 38 What are the 3 main factors that influence bone 39 What are the roles of the following vitamins in bone formation and growth a Vitamin A b Vitamin C c Vitamin D d Vitamin K B12 40 What is the goal of calcium homeostasis and why is it important 41 What are the hormones involved in calcium homeostasis 42 Describe the role of calcitonin and how it achieves its end result 43 Describe the role of parathyroid hormone and how it achieves its end result 44 Describe the role of calcitriol and how it achieves its end result 45 When is Vitamin D converted to its active form and what is the active form 46 What do growth hormones do for bone growth and development 47 What role do estrogen and testosterone sex hormones play in bone growth 48 In puberty he epiphyseal plates close due to a greater activity of than and development cell types 49 How much calcium should the average adult have a day 50 What is the goal that exercise can help you reach pertaining to bone growth and development throughout your life 51 What is pituitary dwarfism 52 What is pituitary giantism 53 What is acromegaly 54 What is osteoporosis and what are the causes 55 Name some risk factors for osteoporosis 56 What is the term associated with the skull cap and what are the bones that make up the cranium 57 Which cranial bone is most posterior 58 Name the 4 cranial sutures 59 Name the facial bones Features of the Skull Bones define and identify the bone in which each structure is affiliated with 1 External auditory meatus 2 Mandibular condyle 3 Alveoli 4 Perpendicular plate 5 Mastoid process 6 Greater and Lesser wings 7 Temporal process 8 Coronoid process 9 Mandibular fossa 10 Optical canal 11 Crista galli 12 Styloid process 13 Palatine process 14 Superior nasal conchae 15 Cribiform plate 16 Zygomatic process 17 Olfactory foramina 1 Which vertebrae articulate with the ribs 2 What is unique about the lumbar vertebrae versus the cervical and thoracic 3 Explain the 4 categories of ribs and which ribs are included in each 4 What do the tubercles of ribs articulate with 5 What do each pectoral girdle consist of 6 The coxal bone is composed of 2 and comprises the 7 T F The scapula articulates with the ribs 8 T F The clavicle does not have any articulation with the humerus 9 How do the clavicle and scapula articulate 10 How do the clavicle and sternum articulate 11 Which feature of the scapular separates it into 2 regions 12 What is the name of the feature of which the head of the humerus articulates with the scapula 13 How do the radius and ulna attach to the humerus 14 T F the ulna is the lateral side of the forearm 15 How do the bones of the fingers and toes get numbered 16 T F every finger contains 3 phalanges 17 Name the 3 bones of the pelvic girdle 18 What are the component s of the pelvis 19 What is the socket called that connects the coxal bone and the femur 20 What is and where is the ischial tuberosity 21 What is the obturator foramen 22 What is the acetabulum 23 What is the name for the medial bone of the leg The lateral bone of the leg 24 What is the name for

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UA PSIO 201 - Practice Exam

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