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John Foster Dulles 5o year s corporate law helps Woodrow Wilson in the negotiations in versai in WWI considered to be the most brilliant secretary of state we ever had He dies of cancer while he is in office Brinkmanship had far can we push them Richard M Nixon Eisenhower s VP losing election of 1960 by a hair looses governor of California in 1962 In 1968 gets republican nomination and wins the presidency Watergate break into hotel to get democrat campaign plans He gave us environmental protection agency the clean water act the clean air act He wins 49 states for second term Not enough senators to save him from being impeached Geraldine Ferarro congresswomen from NY First women to be on a national ticket in 1984 Ran against Ronald Reagan and lost Ran for Senate in NY involved with Hilary Clinton in last primary She broke glass ceiling for millions of women Ralph J Bunch ambassador to united nations first black man to win the Nobel peace prize Ronald Reagan Hollywood action only union president to become a president of the US Governor of California for 8 years Said democracy is better than communism and we can win The Berlin wall came down while he was president Harry S Truman and Eisenhower Both officers in WWI Truman made up middle initial to give himself more political weight Two of them are born only 150 miles apart Truman was born in Independence Missouri and Ike was born in Abilene Kansas Both come from hard working religious families They had to work to pay their bills unlike Hoover and Kennedy They were completely comfortable with standing outside of steal miles They were at home with common people Both had a strong distrust of Rigid Ideology His way or high way They do know how to compromise not afraid to work with other parties First presidents who cant ignore foreign policy spend half of time paying attention to rest of the world Truman has 1 minute notice that he is going to become president of US in April 1945 and back he was a quiet state senator from Missouri Democrats select him to be Franklin Roosevelt s vice president Eisenhower had a spiritual awakening of the country Nobody knew who Truman was Truman spent 82 days as vice president As soon as he is inaugurated the secretary of war tells him about the developing atomic bomb he had no idea Franklin never told him Summer of 1945 Truman president for three months and has to go to Potsdam in Europe Has to revitalize Europe Clear that soviet unions are the new enemy Civil war in china Truman said he lost no sleep using the atomic bomb to bring the war in china to an end When Japanese didn t surrender he used a second atomic bomb until they surrendered In 1980 a museum opened a display that called the atomic bomb a racist act The man who flew the plane that dropped the atomic bomb stayed in the air force through Vietnam He had a heart attack and died in Columbus Ohio He left instructions to be buried in an unmarked grave in fear that history would repeat itself and people would desecrate his grave 1947 George Marshall who was the chief of staff is now the secretary of state and communists have taken over from the inside of Europe and are challenging in Italy and Greece So George Marshall come sup with an idea to finance countries who are friendly with us so they can stay in power It s called the Marshall plan and is passed by the house and the senate and is now what we call foreign aid Truman Give em hell Harry HE worked on the family farm till he was 30 years old He failed at everything he attempted 1918 Truman was swept into WWI and returned as a war hero The first thing he did was marry his long time sweetheart Bess Wallace Truman said his final failure in business left him broke and let him try his hand in politics 1934 he was elected to the senate her served two terms he became the most popular men At the national convention in 1944 he was selected to be Rooselevelt s running mate There ticket swept the victory HE hoped after his term of vice president he could go back to the senate He never wanted to be president He said he felt like the moon and stars fell on him when Roosevelt died Atomic bomb if you have a weapon to end the war you d be foolish not to use it Truman doctrine was backed up by the Marshall plan billions of dollars went to rebuilding Western Europe Start of the cold war and nuclear arms race with Soviet Union Truman s popularity dropped so low that he was told not to run again 1948 Truman s surprised win over Dewey in election His second term was dominated by the Korean War and made worse by McCarthyism At the height of Korea By 1951 his gallop poll rating was 23 the lowest Nixon got at the height of the Watergate was 27 March 29 1952 Truman announced he would not seek another term in office surprising the country When he returned home in Missouri he took pride in the fact that he was an ordinary man again Truman and Eisenhower were friends all through WWII and at the end of the war Eisenhower presented a globe to Truman 1952 Truman wants Eisenhower to run for president as a democrat After the announcement of Eisenhower as a republican there friendship is wrecked Eisenhower runs on cleaning up the government 1959 Winston Churchill comes to white house for an extended visit Churchill wants a reunion of the WWII leadership team he wanted Ike to invite Truman Truman says hell no Eisenhower s son shows up at his inauguration Eisenhower is angry for Truman bringing his son home from Korea while other people were dying Nov 1963 JFK s funeral they finally start talking again and resume their friendship until they both died Korea and 1950 s 50000 dead in Korea police action not war War was contained without use of atomic bomb There were 2 Chinas in that time There was a communist China on the main land and nationalist china on Chong Chi Seck that has been driven off onto two islands The two islands run by Chong chi seck hold the Chinese seat in the United Nations The Russian ambassador who had veto power in the secretary council had gotten up and walked out on that day to protest communist china not being a part of the United Nations And so as a resolution to get the North Koreans out of South Korea it passed unanimously There were no communists there to veto that measure After that till the fall of communism the Soviet Union never ever missed another day at the Security Council in the United Nations 1952 Truman takes himself out of the running for another term 1950 hit song its so nice to have a man

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