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successful programs sometimes aren t implemented for precisely the same but conversely applied reasons POLS 207 Chapter 1 There is little point in recommending solutions or policies that do not work Even so some are because 1 unaware of another state s failure 2 better chance for program to work 3 benefits certain interests don t care if it fails 4 5 voter demands 6 desperation grasping at anything that might offer solution 7 winning reelection temporary relief of pressure to take effective action supreme boss defined by 1 Constitution 2 Supreme Court s interpretation of it States have similar structure i e constitutions Guns in schools April 1995 US v Lopez Not under federal jurisdiction must be left to the states Most laws that affect us are passed by the states local standard legislation on a state s part that has no federal influence nationwide standard national federal law that applies everywhere in the US Supreme Court decided that a congressionally passed law prohibiting guns within 1000 feet of a school was unconstitutional Term limits 1995 US Term Limits v Thornton citizenship Supreme court decided that restrictions on congressional candidates were unconstitutonal Only allowable standards are minimum age residency in state Even states have limits on the laws they can enact Limits on state level government officials are allowed direct democracy citzens choose what laws to enact as compared to representative democracy Carrying concealed weapons 1995 Texas state law permitting citizens to carry concealed handguns with proper permits Arguments and hypothetical situations raised on pro and con sides of the issue but law still stands No evidence of either side s hypothetical situations becoming reality crime rate relatively unaffected no reduction in innocent bystander victims no evidence that criminal shot first then checked for gun Top areas of government spending 1 Health is greatest amount of total government spending almost equal but mostly federal 2 National Defense and Social Security are about tied both all federal 3 Eucation mostly local Interest mostly federal 4 5 Police and Corrections and Welfare almost tied mostly local Nearly half of all government dollars spent comes from state and local government taxes and most government services that affect us are managed at the state level

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TAMU POLS 207 - Chapter 1

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