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FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE HIST201 I Beginnings of the Cold War A What does the Cold War mean What does containment mean Cold War Refers to the fact that no open warfare occurred rather was just tension and potential threat of warfare between countries USSR and US war by proxy Ideological war democracy vs communism capitalism vs communism and worldwide struggle to be the best Containment aggression across the world Eastern Europe China Africa Korea Vietnam Foreign policy that sought to prevent the spread of Soviet B How and why does this war start Yalta Conference the outcome of post WWII Europe The Big Three US Britain USSR sat down to discuss USSR Red Army moved into territory Hungary Czech Republic etc and began to take over the media government etc All elections and false images of democracy were actually rigged lasted until 1991 C What steps did the US take to ensure the stability of Western Europe in the late 1940s What was the Marshall Plan Truman Doctrine 1947 containment Stated that the US will do whatever it can to prevent any further spread of communism US would leave what territory the Red Army already had alone but would support anyone who resisted Soviet influence Soviets sought out territory that would allow them to have access to warm water ports Mediterranean the Black Sea was frozen much of the year and hindered their economic capabilities Provided 18 billion in aid to European recovery and they were gifts no repayment was expected or necessary US wanted to prop the European economy so that they could withstand Soviet aggression o Learned the lesson after WWI when everyone punished Germany Marshall Plan 1948 1952 only led to further tension and another war Wanted to help everyone so that allies could be determined and lowered the risk of tension between nations D What was the Red Scare What were HUAC and the Hollywood 10 Red Scare Second red scare of the century this one was known as Named after Churchill s 1946 speech was the ideological and McCarthyism Increased the already popular fear of communist espionage Iron Curtain physical separated that divided Europe into two different boundaries Communist vs Democratic House Un American Activities Committee Began to endorse and create investigations in order to find Soviet spies in US Began to look at labor movements government and Hollywood actors workers as prime suspects School boards also attempted to turn people in who they believed were spies HUAC Hollywood 10 10 Hollywood workers who were cited for contempt of Congress and were blacklisted after they refused to answer HUAC interrogations about alleged involvement with USSR E What is McCarthyism and how did it affect society Who was Alger Hiss Who were the Rosenbergs and why are they significant Alger Hiss McCarthyism Whittaker Chambers the practice of making rapid accusations of disloyalty treason without significant evidence Named after Sen McCarthy who cited many people as Soviet spies without evidence and thus created a stir in search of spies US government official who was accused of being a Soviet spy was convicted of perjury Was named by a former communist party member Whittaker Chambers Was in prison for 10 years former member of Communist Party as well Testified under subpoena about Hiss executed for treason created a huge uproar Wife apparently had no activity in it but government executed her regardless Demonstrated that people in America could in fact be spies intensified belief in McCarthyism and it s practices Jewish American citizens who were found to be spies and Accused Alger Hiss of being a Soviet spy and was Rosenbergs F How and why do we get involved in the Korean War Containment Did not want communism to spread from North Korea down to South had military forces help fight Northern aggression When N Korea invaded S Korea US had forces attempting to help liberate them thus became a war conflict Truman took MacArthur WWII war hero out of retirement in hopes of helping to spearhead this action Stalemate at halfway point through country division line A What was society and culture like in the 1950s for most Americans 50s had surging income therefore the economy grew and flourished exponentially Middle class expanded baby boom Drastically differed from declining birthrates in Great Depression another side of economic welfare Measure of success Quality of life was better most families were able to purchase suburbia homes and cars television and other appliances Sears homes in catalogs Levittown Mass production white flight mass exodus to suburbia although this spearheaded further racism against black and Jews Women left their industrial jobs to make room for returning soldiers became housewives less need for a 2 income family Surge of conservatism fashion social life etc II The Golden 50s B How Golden was it Picture of wealth following war victory happiness Excess of jobs available suburbia was considered the best place to live ideological society Economy was stable reconversion of factories to production factories consumer credit labor movement C What was the significance of the rise of suburbia and its appeal to new homeowners after WWII Housing boom following the Housing Act of 1949 Act provided federal insurance for housing and allowed 30 years to pay off a mortgage without any penalties veterans did not have to put money down Over 600 000 housing units were built Cheap factory style identical neighborhoods like Levittown and Sears Roebuck housing catalogs reflected the conformity of American society at the time Baby boom people needed houses to keep up with growing families Everyone wanted the white picket fence yards and a sense of community Interstate and Defense Highways Act 1956 Eisenhower s act that was a huge public works campaign largest in American history made sure that there were highways and roads everywhere o Allowed commuting to be an option facilitated suburban growth and complex nature of new industries Downside Blacks Jews and other minorities or non white Christians were explicitly denied the new American dream Neighborhoods would not sell to people who were different and were often used to restrict access based on race religion and ethnicity o Result segregation continued especially in the south as there began to be self designated Jewish neighborhoods or Black neighborhoods D What was the impact of the Cold War on society What s the significance of the space program What s the significance of the U 2 incident No one knew

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