PSY 3213C Research Methods Lecture Notes Exams 1 2 plus Final This set of notes is really long If you want to find notes for a specific date ex 1 27 or topic codominance press Ctrl F on your keyboard Command F for Mac users and type in what you want to find It ll search the document for whatever specific word phrase you typed in and save you the time of scrolling through everything 1 6 Scientific Method Emperical based on objective systematic observation Rational follow rules of logic consistent with known facts Testable verifiable thru observation able to be disproved Parsimonius give simplest explanation with the least assumptions General goes beyond the study itself Tentative no absolute answers always being edited Rigorously evaluated constantly reviewed by others retested Depletion willpower being used up as a limited energy reserve Pseudoscience false science Parapsychology magic psychics Faked data UFOlogy faked data poor setup bad formulas Phrenology head bumps superstition Astrology gives vague statements that can apply to anyone Peer review experts review their methods theory results Supposed to fix mistakes prevent errors from circulating Replication must be able to reproduce results Failures carefully examined for cause instead of excused away 1 11 Reading psych articles 5 Major sections abstract intro methods results discussion Title first hint of article s topic Ex Self control as a limited resource regulation depletion patterns Authors each author works on same 2 3 topics listed according to expertise work put in Abstract 120 word summary of article Use to screen articles see if it s what you re looking for Introduction Research question what phenomenon will author explore Theoretical context what s the previous research How do current theories interpret the topic Hypothesis state prediction then explain reasoning behind it Look to see if author accurately interpreted previous research Check if article cites relevant research or omits it Check if research was presented logically relates to hypothesis Check if writing is specific and clear Participants details about them distinguishing traits numbers Materials variables what was used why they were chosen Procedure steps involved guide for others to replicate experiment Check if sample represents the population Check if method measurements are related to hypothesis Check if they tried to eliminate bias interference Single double blind studies random assignment Method 1 13 Results At least 3 pieces of info stats tests done significance p value Check if tests were appropriate for hypothesis Check if right things were compared Check if results occurred in the predicted direction fit hypothesis Check if data was excluded and if there was a good reason for it If participants figured out the hypothesis exclude their data Discussion At least 4 pieces of info Restate results how well it fits hypothesis limitations future research ideas Check if conclusion makes sense with results Check if results were overstated overgeneralized Check if reasoning behind conclusion is restated Check if they discuss implications of the research 1 18 Misconceptions Theory set of principles facts explaining why when phenomenon occurs Plausible organized logical Good theories supported by current evidence Describes unseeable cause Visible causes are too obvious to need a theory It s just a theory use different definition in casual VS scientific discussions Theories aren t hunches guesses Data doesn t prove a theory it only supports it Science never says absolutes it s been proven wrong too many times before Scientists may be biased towards against certain theories Wanting them to be true rather than reporting honest data results Why not call it a law science doesn t like to say absolutes Theory VS Law Law principle describing behavior phenomenon description only Theory tries to explain why it happens cause reason for it Science wants to know why Theory VS Hypothesis Hypothesis simple only a few variables Theory complex more variables Hypothesis can be specific prediction that logically follows from a theory Model specific implementation of general theory Includes several factots to predict whether or not phenomenon occurs Can be an analogy substitution of a given process Theory VS Model Theory explanation Theories vary in what how much they explain Mechanical explanation Functional explanation Description levels descriptive analogical fundamental Mechanical functional both needed for more complete understanding Often mech funct but not the other way around Mechanistic explanation describes mechanisms underlying behavior phenomenon How it works Doesn t always address why it happens Functional explanation describes attribute in terms of its function use Why it exists What it does Descriptive theory describes relationships b w variables Ex Arousal theory Analogical theory explains relationships b w variables using analogies Ex brain is like a computer Fundamental theory proposes new way to explain relationships b w variables Highest level of theory Few in psychology psych is a new science Ex Cognitive dissonance theory 1 20 Roles of theory in science Help understanding highest role of science Predict behavior phenomenon under dif circumstanecs Ex gives a hypothesis direction like increases x Organize research results Interpret results Generate new research inspired by theory Ex heuristic value is source of new research ideas Ex Freud Traits of a good theory Can account for data facts Relevant explanation believable Testable Predicts novel events Obeys Ockahm s Razor Things it wasn t made for but still falls in its domain Ockham s Razor keep it as simple as possible while making sure it still works Strategies for testing theories Confirmational look for evidence that confirms supports theory s predictions Doesn t prove theory is correct true Confirmation bias ppl naturally want to prove things they like Can ignore real info facts that contradict ideas Theory may be confirmed only b c it s so vague broad Disconfirmational the opposite Both can be used together Strong inference theory tested edited retested until it fits the behavior Explanations can be tested w one experiment Only works when they generate well defined predictions Theory driven VS Data driven research Theory driven theories always changing getting more complex Data driven we have all this data now what do we do with it 1 23 Sources of research ideas Experiences Theory Applied issues
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